Zanzavar Unitied
Master Cast
Slave Cast
The new Zanzavarnian Sign
It represents unity of two,
with a blend to make one.
United Cast
After the Borg Conflict the Two casts, Master and Slave, were forced to become one. Now the two casts are one. One cast called United, or The United Cast. The Reason for this is there are still worlds ruled by the Zanzavarnians that are not part of the United Cast yet. When they become part of they they will all simply be the Zanzavarnians.
   Now that they have united and are one race they have opened comminications with other races for trade and alliance posibilitys. To help with this aspect they have created the
Large Diplomatic Class ship.  It has enviromently areas for every major race to resemble their home planets. It is one of the largest ships that the Zanzavarnians have built and has one defencive weapons.
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