Zanzavarnian Controlled System
Master Cast
Slave Cast
Images represent different Planets In the main solor system of Phish System. This is not to Scale either.
Zhoko'ta(red sun)
The Phish, Door, System is named this because it is the main system between the Zanzavarnian System and the Borg Controled System. Many battles took place around this system.
Shata, Power, is a stageing base for the fleet when in the area. It is mostly ice and water but islands are still around. The Strong magnetics of it through the whole systems Navigations off. One Moon.

Yakon, Armor, is a planet that appears to have always been dead. But it houses a metal called Tanzanite, one of the strongest metals to be found by the Zanzavarnians. Mines on this planet go Deep into its surface. No moons.
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