Zanzavarnian Controlled System
United Cast
United Cast
Images represent different Planets In the main solor system of Yukan, Again, System. This is not to Scale either.
Aba 1
Nor'ta(red sun)
Nor'ta, Fire Red, is the main sun of this system. It has four Planets around it each in a different orbital pattern. U'mas, attack, is one of two planets able to substain life in this system. The U'masians Lived on this planet until intigrated into the Zanzavarnian Race
Next System They Control.
Aba 2
as slaves and workers for the mines. Panala'kh, Adaptable, the second planet able to support life.
It had a thriving under water world of animals but no beings. It is set to be developed on in the future. Each has one moon around it.

Aba 1 and 2 are each planets that have aged into death. They show that they once supported pre-industrial beings but died out for some unknown reason.
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