Sixties news and information!

News and events of the sixties
1966 news and information!

January 1~Starting today, all cigarette packs sold in the U.S.~and all advertisements promoting them~must carry the following notice: "Warning: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous To Your Health." Boom p. 198
January 3~The Psychedelic Shop opens on Haight Street in San Francisco's Haight Ashbury district, the first store devoted entirely to the needs of the counter culture. Boom p.198
January 11~Selective Service System director Lewis B. Hershey announces that students may properly be reclassified 1-A~the prime "draftable" category~if they demonstrate illegally against the draft. The decision could apply to draft-card burners and those participating in draft board sit-ins, says Hershey. Boom p. 254
January 22~Nancy Sinatra, daughter of famous father Frank, enters the charts with "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'." For a brief period, the 25-year-old streaked blonde with the pouty lips will be one of America's favorite sex symbols. Boom p. 53
March 18~Scott Paper introduces a $1 paper dress. Boom p. 198
May 14~In a speech, Stokley Carmichael, chairman of the Student Non-Violent Co-ordinating Committee, introduces the term "Black Power" as a slogan. The term will immediately become controversial for its black separatist message. Boom p. 254
July 12~The much-feared "long, hot summer" begins, as riots erupt in several U.S. cities. The incidents will spur President Johnson to name a Presidential Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders~the Kerner Commission, named for its head, Illinois Gov. Otto Kerner~which in 1968 will blame "white racism" for the riots. Boom p. 255
July 29~Bob Dylan is nearly killed when he crashes his Triumph motorcycle in up-state New York, suffering broken vertebrae, a concussion, and several deep cuts. Boom p. 56
September 9~The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act is signed into law, largely the result of years of attacks on the auto industry by consumer advocate Ralph Nader. Boom p. 255
October 15~For the first time, U.S. troops exceed regular Vietnamese forces at 320,000. Boom p. 256
November 8~Former grade-B movie actor Ronald Reagan, 55, is elected governor of California. He will serve two four-year terms. Boom p. 256
November 21~Johns Hopkins, one of the nation's most reputable medical institutions, opens a Gender Identity Clinic and performs the first sex change operation in the U.S. Boom p. 201

All facts and statements are for amusement purposes only! They in no way should be relied upon for any other reason!

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