Sixties news and information!

News and events of the sixties
1968 news and information!

January 7~San Francisco "underground" FM station KMPX holds a "grass ballot" presidential election. Bob Dylan and Paul Butterfield are elected president and vice president respectively. Owsley Stanley, one of the kingpins in the LSD world, is elected Secretary of Commerce. Boom p.259
January 23~North Korea seizes the American intelligence ship USS Pueblo and its 83-man crew after it comes within 12 miles of the Korean coast. Boom p. 260
January 30~The Viet Cong launch a massive military effort that will later be known as the "Tet offensive," reversing what little progress American troops have made in the war. By early March General William Westmoreland will request an additional 206,000 American troops. Boom p. 260
March 10~A Gallup Poll finds that one-half of all Americans believe that U.S. involvement in Vietnam is a mistake. Boom p. 260
April 4~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated in Memphis. King,39, had come to Memphis a week earlier to lead a march in support of striking sanitation workers, a march that began peacefully but ended in violence that left 62 injured, 200 arrested, and a 16-year-old boy dead. Boom p. 261
May 17~Headed by brothers Philip and Daniel Berrigan, nine persons set fire to some 600 draft files at a Selective Service office in Cantonsville, Md., near Baltimore. Boom p. 263
June 6~Moments after a speech celebrating a stunning victory in the California Democratic presidential primary, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy is shot twice in the head and critically wounded at Los Angeles' Ambassador Hotel, he will die two days later. Boom p. 263
July 13~Researchers at the Albert Einstein Collage of Medicine in New York announce that they have discovered the cause of "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome," the malady that grips some people after eating Chinese food. The cause, they say, is MSG~monosodium glutamate~also sold under the product names Accent and Ajinomoto. Boom p. 208
August 20~More than 200,000 Soviet troops invade Czechoslovakia following the threat of a revolution by an increasingly independent Prague government. Boom p. 265
September 7~Two hundred radical women stage "guerrilla" actions at the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City, crowning a live sheep "Miss America" and setting up a "Freedom Trash Can" in which women discard items symbolic of traditional ideas of femininity. Boom p. 208
November 1~The Defense Department reports that the U.S. has now dropped more bombs on Vietnam than were dropped during all of World War II. Boom p. 268
November 17~A made-for-TV production of Heidi interrupts a football game between the Oakland Raiders and the New York Jets on NBC. The Jets are comfortably ahead with less than a minute to play, so the network decides to cut away for the movie. But the Raiders score twice in the final minute for a breathtaking win. Thousands of fans Flood NBC and local stations with irate phone calls. The networks get the message: football games will run intact, no matter how long they take. Boom p. 142

All facts and statements are for amusement purposes only! They in no way should be relied upon for any other reason!

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