Sixties news and information!

News and events of the sixties
1969 news and information!

January 28~The first major U.S. oil spill occurs when Union Oil Company's Well A-21 blows out, spewing oil over a 200-mile stretch of the Santa Barbara Channel off the California coast. Boom p. 268
April 3~The U.S. death toll in Vietnam reaches 33,641, surpassing that of the Korean War, as U.S. troop strength peaks at about 550,000. Boom p. 269
May 15~One man is killed as Berkeley, California police use shotguns in a battle for "People's Park." The battle began two days ago when the University of California, which owns the property, attempted to follow through on plans to turn the lot into a soccer field. Boom p. 270
July 14~Easy Rider opens. Last year, Jack Valenti, head of the Motion Picture Association, spoke to Canadian filmmakers, calling for fewer films about drugs and more family fare such as Dr. Dolittle. But Peter Fonda, in the audience, decided it was time to do a great film about bikers. Boom p.- 144
July 19~Sen. Edward Kennedy, who became the Senate's assistant majority leader only six months ago, is embroiled in controversy as the Oldsmobile in which he and 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne are riding drives off a bridge and into a pond on Chappaquiddick Island near Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts. Boom p. 272
August 15~The Woodstock Music and Art Fair, subtitled "An Aquarian Exposition," opens on an alfalfa field in Bethel in the mountains of up-state New York. The successful festival will be heralded as the calling card of a generation~the Woodstock Generation, it will be called. Boom p. 72
September 24~The trial of the "Chicago Eight" opens. The trial pits the Justice Department against an all-star cast of radicals: David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, John Froines, Lee Weiner, Rennie Davis and Bobby Seale. Boom p. 273
October 15~A candle-light march led by Mrs. Martin Luther King, Jr. past the White House marks the first of two monthly Vietnam moratoriums organized by the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Boom p. 274
November 16~ The New York Times reports that a small U.S. infantry unit massacred more than 500 unarmed men, women and children suspected of hiding Viet Cong in the South Vietnamese farming village of My Lai in March 1968. Boom p. 275
November 20~Three boatloads of American Indians land on Alcatraz, site of a former federal prison, claiming that the abandoned island belongs to them. Boom p. 276
December 1~The first draft lottery since 1942 begins, affecting 850,000 men aged 19-26 not already in the military. Boom p. 276
December 6~The Rolling Stones play host to 300,000 fans at a free "thank you" concert at Altamont Speedway in Livermore, California. Boom p. 74

All facts and statements are for amusement purposes only! They in no way should be relied upon for any other reason!

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