Sixties news and information!

News and events of the sixties
1967 news and information!

January 14~San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury community holds a "Human Be-In" in Golden Gate Park's polo grounds. Boom p. 202
January15~The first AFC-NFC championship~dubbed "Super Bowl"by Texas millionaire and Kansas City Chiefs' owner Lamar Hunt~is broadcast by both CBS and NBC. Boom p. 134
April 5~The Grey Line Bus Company begins a "hippie Hop" tour of San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, "the largest hippie colony in the world," as drivers will tell spellbound passengers. Boom p. 203
April 28~The World Boxing Association strips Cassius Clay,25, also known as Muhammad Ali, of his heavy-weight title after Clay refuses to be inducted into the Army. Boom p. 256
June 5~In stunning predawn air strikes across the face of the Arab world, Israeli jets wipe out most of the air forces of several Arab countries in the first day of what will become known as the Six-Day War. Boom p. 257
August 8~ The San Francisco Chronicle reports that "an Eastern crime syndicate is trying to gain control of LSD and marijuana traffic in Haight-Ashbury district. Boom p. 205
August 29~Nearly three-quarters of all TV viewers tune in to see the final episode of "The Fugitive." After four years of running from Lt. Gerard, Dr. Richard Kimble (David Janssen) finally tracks down the elusive one-armed man. Boom p. 135
September 29~Despite a raging war, with 13,500 American soldiers killed, another 85,000 wounded, and 756 missing, President Johnson delivers an upbeat assessment of the Vietnam effort, telling a San Antonio, Tex., audience that "the tide continues to run with us." Boom p. 258
October 6~Officially ending the "Summer of Love," the Haight-Ashbury community stages a "funeral" for the hippie movement. The ceremony, held in Golden Gate Park, includes a 15-foot "casket" filled with such things as beads, flowers, charms, flags, hash brownies and money. Boom p.205
October 21~Approximately 55,000 antiwar protesters storm the Pentagon, sponsored by the National Mobilization Committee to End the war in Vietnam~known commonly as "the Mobe"~a coalition of 150 organizations, including church groups and labor unions. Boom p. 258
November 21~President Johnson signs the Air Quality Act of 1967, the first major legislation passed to improve the nation's deteriorating air. Boom p. 259
December 21~Federal agents raid a home in Orinda, Calif., outside of San Francisco and arrest Augustus Owsley Stanley III, 32, grandson of a U.S. senator from Kentucky, reputed to be the millionaire kingpin of the LSD industry. Boom p. 206

All facts and statements are for amusement purposes only! They in no way should be relied upon for any other reason!

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