English/U.S. Version Updated: 13 February 2000 Pas de Version Francaise

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                        In the Dark Ages, Hermetic Mages, sensing the weakening of Magick, climbed their path to immortality through vampire Vitae, and lost in the way their mastery of True Magick. Working hard (perhaps with external help...), they rebuilt their power through the power of the Vitae, and became of the the most feared Clan of the Kindred because of an Hermetic tradition-based Blood Magic, Thaumaturgy.

    Milleniums before, before its temples were deserted by disanchanted priesthood, Egypt was the Land of Magic. The wisest among the mortals came to Egypt to learn about the power of the Ancients, unknowing of the fact few remembered the Path of Power to learn, and fewer would even mention it... And fewer would be able to teach anything useful.

    Only three groups were able to show some proof of the greatness of the Two Land's Hekau. The first are the Followers of Set, practicing a bastardized version of the Path to Power, taking the magical energy from mummified corpses. The second are the Shemsu-Heru, Mummies generating their own Sekhem, but because of their innate limitation, unable to use Hekau's High Spells.

    The third are the surviving vampire bloodline whose Founder, a True Mage in her mortal life, had created what was called Senef Hekau, the Blood Path to Power...

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Hekau Thaumaturgy IconAlchemyAmuletsCelestialGlyphLightningNecromancyStone ShapingUshabtiRen-HekauVeille
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