
Shadow Hawk is the newest twisted creation
of Cyborg X.  Watch out Guardians!

Shadow Hawk

Weapons can be mounted on back
          Shadow Hawk is the twisted creation of Cyborg X.  Instead of having a human brain, like X, Shadow hawk is completely robotic.  His android body is programed with the same personality and cunning as Cyborg X and is completely loyal to the Destron leader.
         Shadow Hawk's wings allow him to fly at speeds of 500 mph.  He can exceed the sound barrier by dive-bombing with his wings folded.  Wings are made of black titanium and are capable of slicing through concrete.  When not in use, they can be folded up.  Hand held plasma rifles can puncture most known materials.  Laser sightings can lock in on targets, guaranteeing contact.


       Dreadwing is one of Cyborg X's most deadly operatives.  He prefers to hunt alone.  Has under average intelligence but has the viciousness of a wolverine.  Often charges into battle even if odds are against him. His "battle rage" can last hours, sometimes days.
        Dreadwing is capable of reaching speeds of mach 3 and can out fly almost anything.   Capable of space flight.  Wing blasters fire plasma bolts.  Hand cannons fire super-heated ion bursts.  Energy absorbing shields on arms can withstand any energy blast and redirect it.  Dreadwing is prone to overheating due to his ferocious charge into battle.


Actual size over 3 feet long!!
       Slyther is the new Destron snake, a robotic nightmare ready to strike.  Using his cyber fangs, Slyther can spit acid over 100 yards in robot or snake mode.  He likes to wrap himself around victims till they beg for mercy.  Tail/claw is composed of ultra hard titanium alloy capable of slashing through almost anything.

Cannon arm

Blade arm
Legs: Hover-bike mode

Body: Attack mode

Body: Super-sonic mode
       Crusher was built by the Guardians to be a construction worker.  He could lift several tons of equipment and was twice as fast as any human.  With his power suit, he was a one-android construction team.  Unfortunately, Cyborg X saw the destructive potential in Crusher's circuits.  One day on a building site Cyborg X and a group of Destrons captured Crusher and took him back to their base.  There, he was reprogrammed to destroy.  The tools that were once used to 
create, now obliterated whatever came in contact with them.  Crusher's core program has been forever changed. Cyborg X's programming can never be undone.  The only way to convert Crusher back to a Guardian is to wipe his hard drive completely.
        Crusher's exo-suit is a war machine.  Its right hand is a quintuple mega cannon with rapid-fire ability.  It cuts down anything that stands before it.  Its blade arm can cut though steel like butter.  When separated from Crusher, the main suit converts to an attack plaform capable of hovering in mid air.  In attack mode, its weapons are quite formitable.  In super-sonic mode it is capable of reaching mach one.  The legs merge together to form a hover-bike capable of reaching 400 mph over any surface.  Crusher controls his suit with micro implants in his processor.

Max Havok
       Max Havok worked in a robotics factory for 20 years until he was fired for sleeping on the job.  Max was furious and vowed to take revenge on his former employers.  Max broke into the factory later that night and stole all of the robotic components he could find.  Using the stolen parts, Max created a robotic power suit and went back to the factory.  After starting his attack, the Guardians were called in.  Max was no match for the Guardians power so he ran away.  Knowing he would be put in jail if he
returned home, Max decided to join Cyborg X in his fight against the Guardians.
        Max's suit is equipped with high power booster jets.  These allow brief periods of flight at speeds of 300 mph.  Four sets of mega cannons are mounted on the shoulders.  They can fire all at once or in rapid succession.  Each arm is equiped with a power claw capable of applying 700 lbs of pressure per square inch. Arm lasers fire super heated plasma.  Max's suit is fitted with an experimental titanium armor.  The joints and the clear bubble dome are its only weak points.

Neo Rampage
         Neo Rampage is a clone of the original Rampage.  Cyborg X created a machine that clones Legobots and infuses them with future technology.  Whereas Rampage was bitter and grumpy, Neo Rampage is pure evil.  The cloning process copied only the bad aspects of Rampage and gave it a new form.
         Neo Rampage is fast, on land or in the water.  In crab mode, his claws can shred
tinanium.  In robot mode, each arm is equipped with a high powered grenade launcher.  Each grenade is capable of blowing a hole through a mountain.

       Rage is an android of unparalleled intelligence.  Cyborg X built him with technology from the future.  As soon as he came on-line, Rage designed and built a power suit for himself.  When completed, he called it "Primal."  It has low intelligence but is loyal to his creator.  Rage and Primal merge to form Primal Rage.
       Rage is an expert kickboxer.  With the robot legs attached, he can collapse a building with one well placed kick.  He also uses a dual fusion cannon in any form.  Primal can use the cannon in his "two-leg" mode.  It attaches to a harnes on Primal's back. 


Takeoff / Landing mode
Tyrannis         Junkpile
(Size comparison)------- 

Alternate wing design
          Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  The latest addition to the Destron army cannot be stopped.  Tyrannis is a hulking, clanking, mechanism of destruction.  His jaws can break a mountain in two.  His claws can shred buildings.  Tyrannis has no need for weapons.  He can transform into a star cruiser capable of light speed.  Cyborg X designed Tyrannis to be his personal space transport.  He can carry up to six regular sized Legobots.  Tyrannis' only weakness is his lack of speed.  But what he lacks in speed, he makes up for it in sheer strength.

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