
Obsidian joins the Junkbot army!


Flight mode


Hover mode
       Obsidian is a robot-machine hybrid.  Not quite a vehicle, not quite a robot.  He uses fight mode to travel and hover mode to blast away at enemies.  Hands are capable of generating 10,000 gigawatt pulses which short circuits any electrical device.  Obsidian's "feet" form an energon blade capable of slicing through all but the strongest material.  In flight mode, pulse cannons can lock on to enemies five miles away.  Though highly intelligent, Obsidian lacks any real personality.  He is little more than a sentient computer.
       Most of Obsidian's parts come from a Lego: Life on Mars set.  It was a shame to take apart the exploration mech, it was pretty durn cool!  Check out Lego's web site to see the other Life on Mars sets.  There is also a blue mech which I will be buying in the near future.  Also, Obsidian is loosely based on the Beast Machines character of the same name.  I have really run out of ideas lately.  Bear with me until my creativity returns. : )

Tankor III


"Walker" Mode (below)

          Tankor III is another tank drone devoted to Freak.  Like Tankor II, he is not very intelligent but makes up for it with brute strength.  Fusion cannon is permanently attached to his right arm.  It is capable of destroying almost anything.  Has difficulty targeting at close range.

I love the new arctic Lego sets!  The treads alone are worth the price.
They are perfect for small tanks and they are the simplest treads to build with!

Tankor II

This is the
Beast Machines
version of Tankor.

Tri-fusion cannon

Drill arm
*Creator's note* Yes, Tankor II is based on the Beast Machines character of the same name.  Consider this the Legobot version of a very cool character.
         Tankor II is a mindless, unstoppable brute.  Loaded to the gills with weapons, Tankor is seldom stopped.  His left hand is a drill missile that can be fired at a range of two miles.  The missile can drill through anything.  His right arm is a tri-fusion cannon capable of breaking down the molecules of anything it hits.  Shoulder mounted quad cannon fires bursts of plasma energy.  Triple plated titanium armor makes him almost invulnerable.

       Bedrock is a rock tunneler.  He spends most of his time deep below the earth, digging tunnels, exploring caverns, and studying mineral samples.  If Bedrock had his choice, he would not participate in the Legobot war.  He does not believe in fighting but is loyal to Freak and his army of junkbots.
       In tunneler mode, four anti-matter cannons vaporize rock and earth, allowing Bedrock to tunnel though the ground at 30 mph. These cannons convert matter into energy which is stored in two high capacity storage tanks. This energy can be unleashed in enormous blasts 
from the cannons.  Bedrock's high density structure can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.  Bedrock says he has been to the center of the earth and has often brought unusual mineral samples back to the Junkbot base.

( gun is robot's left arm )
Mad Dog

Take off / Landing mode

Full Flight mode
"Pile Driver"
Vehicle Mode
"Extended Claw"
      Mad Dog is by far the craziest Junkbot ever.  Originally, he was an experiment of Cyborg X.  He tried to fuse futuristic technology with Mad Dog's modern android brain. The experiment was too much for Mad Dog's processors and his brain unit overloaded.  Rather than fix him, Cyborg X threw him in the scrap heap where he was later rescued by Freak, the leader of the Junkbots.  Freak repaired the damage done to Mad Dog's processor and welcomed him to the Junkbot team.  Mad Dog went back to the scrap yard where he was rescued and built an exo-suit for himself.
        Mad Dog has more modes of transformation than most Legobots.  He and his suit can operate independantly or together.  His suit can fly and hover in "flight mode."  The wheels on Mad Dog's extended legs can propell him at speeds of 300 mph on the ground, 200 in "vehicle mode."  The suit's left arm can be detached and used as a quad mega cannon.  Its right arm is a powerful claw that can shred steel like it was newspaper.  The claw can extend to 10x its length. It also has a "pile driver" mode that can punch a hole through solid titanium.
        Unlike other android accessories, Mad Dog's suit is not sentient.  Instead, it is run by remote control from Mad Dog's helmet.  He does not trust any other robot except for Freak.  He would be suspicious of a "partner" with artificial intelligence.  This is a weakness because if Mad Dog is knocked out in battle, his suit goes off line as well.  Because of the experiment, Mad Dog is hightly paranoid of anything.  He never puts his visor down in fear of missing a hiding enemy.  He is often heard talking to himself or laughing about nothing.  Freak is the only one who understands him.


Hover Modes: Above, Right
        Clutch can go anywhere!  His all-terrain tires can float on water and stick to walls. He can even let water into his tires which allows him to drive on the ocean floor!  On the ground, Clutch can reach speeds of 300 mph.  In hover mode, he can reach air speeds of 800 mph.  Arm-mounted blasters fire super-heated plasma in hover and robot modes.
        Clutch's only disadvantage is his lack of strength.  His arms and legs are scarcly larger than the frame beneath them.  This cuts down on weight, but it also cuts down his armor rating.  Clutch depends on his all-terrain abilities to get him out of tough situations.


         Never content with his abilities, Bat has trimmed down his form to become faster.  He can now reach speeds of mach 5.  His claws are as sharp as ever and his battle abilites are at their peak.  Bat III is pleased with his new form but it is just a matter of time before he upgrades again.
*Creator's Note*
          I realize Bat III's vehicle form is pretty weak.  The main focus was the robot form, which I think is the best looking version of Bat.


Gun Arm

Claw Arms
            Freak II was so pleased with Mainframe that he decided to create another "bare bones" robot, and thus Megabyte was born.  Megabyte is heavily armored and is not as fast as his brother.  The nuclear generator within his torso gives him almost limitless strength.  His claws can shred titanium like cheese.  They can cut a bulldozer in half with one slice.  Jump jets on his back allow Megabyte to fly for brief periods of time.
          Megabyte shares a mental link with his brother and can tell when he's in danger.  Megabyte and Mainframe are inseparable and constantly watch each other's back.

         Mainframe has no transformation.  Freak created him from a basic Legobot chassis and a small nuclear generator located in his torso.  Because he lacks the weight of a armored hull, Mainframe is the fastest Legobot ever.  He can run at speeds of 200 mph. He can jump 100 feet.  His response time to a threat is .001 seconds.  He is so fast, that he can catch a bullet or dodge a laser pulse. 
         A quad cannon serves as Mainframe's right arm.  It is capable of tremendous speed and can fire 200 rounds in one second but is prone to overheating.  His hydralic arm is very strong.  Having a near limitless power sourse, it is capable of lifting 30 tons or crushing solid titanium. 
         Mainframe's weakness is his lack of armor.  He can be disabled if his power cables are severed although, with his extreme speed, this is a very difficult task.  Because of his speed and firepower, Mainframe is one of deadliest Junkbots to date. 
I designed Mainframe to be the most articulated Legobot ever.
He has 19 points of articulation which include: feet, knees, legs, hips,
torso, head, shoulders, arms, elbows, upper left arm, and fingers!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
E-mail me at: [email protected]
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