
Each one of the Junkbots is pieced together with mismatched parts and strange looking appendages. Scroll on, if you dare. 


      Right Arm
Left Arm

Wave-Motion Fusion Cannon

   Freak designed a new body for himself.  This hulking frame is equipped with a starship's warp engine, giving it unlimited strength.  It has three layers of titanium composite armor.  Freak II has the mini gun and drill of the original body but is now armed with a wave-motion fusion cannon and a triple mega cannon.  Freak II can 
now fly at sub-sonic speed with the help of quasi-alloy wings and two plasma engines.  Freak II cannot fly with the fusion cannon attached.  It is too bulky and gets in the way of the engine's intake manifolds.  With the creation of his new body, Freak II is now the most dangerous Legobot ever to exist.  His fusion cannon is capable of creating a energy burst so powerful, it can reach the world's mantle layer, effectively destroying the planet.  The Guardians and Destrons have a whole new threat to deal with.


        The original story...  Mr. Black created Freak but was displeased with him. Freak did not have the ability to transform and possessed weak weapons with little firepower. Black decided to destroy him and start over. Restraining him, Black left Freak's CPU active as he disassembled the body, taunting the poor mech as he pulled out countless components. By the end, Freak was little more than a head and torso. Mr. Black laughed as he tossed the body into a scrap yard. 
          Freak was furious. He vowed to take revenge on his creator. Slowly, Freak was able to piece together make-shift arms and legs out of junk surrounding him. He rebuilt a chain-gun for his right arm and a cannon/drill for his left. Freak's rage mounted as he created other warriors out of the spare parts around him. After years of work, Freak had the army he needed for revenge. They are listed below. Be warned Mr. Black.



          Lock-Jaw has two rapid-fire cannons mounted on his shoulders. One fires shells, the other plasma bolts. They can be spun by rotating an axle in the back. Technic gears turn both cannons at once. Lock-Jaw was the second Junkbot I made. In my storyline, of course, Freak made him for his army. 



         Claw's arm was the first thing I built. I wanted to see if I could make a claw that opened and shut by turning a wheel. I made it, then had to build a body to support it. The thing's huge! Claw's cannon arm was made to counterbalance the claw. The tank treads offer good support. I'll need to take a close-up pic of his head: it looks like the cockroach alien's face from Men in Black. 


Crimson Mantis 

          Crimson Mantis has a unique ability. Using his claws, he attacks in a fashion similar to a preying mantis: fast, accurate, and deadly, pouncing on his foes with lightning speed. His arms can fold up to become duel mega-cannons. They can be deployed in car mode as well. 


        Nothing really special about Gunner. Freak built the body and added every kind of gun he could scrounge up to both his arms. He even has guns mounted to his legs so he won't be defenceless in car mode. * note * Gunner is almost as tall as Gargantuan, only thinner. 



          Bat is made almost entirely out of the "Giant Model Set" (#8277) -the giant robot. His wings are from a "Time Cruisers" ship but the rest is all Technic. I especially like his claws. They fold down in jet mode and look a little out of place, but in robot mode, they look awesome. The jet mode is pretty weak, I admit. The robot mode took first priority. The jet mode was created afterwards.

          Chopper is a heavily armored motorcycle transport.  Freak added a powerful diesel truck engine to his chassis.  Because of the engine's size and weight, Chopper is very limited in his movements.  He carries the bulk of it in his mid-section.  Powerful jump jets and two stabilizers allow him to fly for brief periods of time. 

         Although Spyder has only one weapon, he is the most dangerous Junkbot of them all.  His weapon is an unlimited supply of  mech webbing. Is is a virtually unbreakable cable made out of an unknown alloy.  He can create unlimited amounts of it and launch it through his web cannon.  Spyder can completely entangle a medium sized mech in ten seconds.  His pinchers can then paralyze the prey, leaving it helpless.

Stretch is something I made a long time ago.  The idea is pretty un-inspired: put legs on a car... whoopee.  He has two mini-guns under his hood as well as two energy draining laser blasters.  Stretch, while having an advantage of height, often trips over rough turrain.

       Talk about your un-inspired ideas...  The only reason Land-Whale exists is because I didn't know what to do with those two halves of a boat.  The boat parts came from a LEGO Time Cruisers set.  Oh, and I couldn't come up with a good name for it either.


These pictures show how Bullseye's chest opens and how the head folds into the body.
       Bullseye gets his name for being the best sharpshooter in the galaxy.  His fusion cannons can melt a hole through 3 feet of steel.  His knowledge of enemies weak spots make him a deadly foe. 
       In cycle mode, Bullseye can reach speeds of 300 mph.  His tires emit a "friction field" that allow him to scale walls and even drive upside down.  Although weak in battle, his speed makes him very hard to hit.


Left Arm 
Right Arm 
Chest (above)
Torso (right)
         Junkpile is virtually unstoppable.  Freak designed him to break apart whenever he is hit with a substancial blow.  Each component reattaches itself after breaking off.  In addition to this, each component is very tough, relentlessly attacking until it rejoins the group. 
        Each component of Junkpile deadly in and of itself.  The supersonic jet and helecopter are armed with plasma cannons capable of destroying a small mountain.  The chest piece doubles as a bomber armed with photon charges to drop on unsuspecting enemies.  The torso is a super charged dragster capable of breaking the sound barrier on land.  The legs are armored transport trucks that are impenetrable and capable of ramming through a wall of solid steel.  The feet are turbo charged jet cars, armed to the teeth and capable of reaching speeds of 300 miles an hour.

Hover mode: above and left

Full Flight Mode
Bat II

     As mentioned above, Bat has been redisigned and refitted to enhance his powers and abilities.  He prefers to be called Bat Mark II.  Newly added engines can propel Bat to speeds of mach 3.  In "hover mode" he has the ability to take off and land vertically.  He can also fly backwards in this mode and turn completely around in less than a second.  Mega cannons have been added to his wings and arms, tripleing his firepower.  His claws have been enhanced through "Titan technology," recently discovered by Freak in an ancient Legobot temple.  Bat II is deadlier than ever!

          Not to be outdone by the Guardians and Destrons, Freak created his own android for the Junkbots, stealing parts from the same robotics research facility.  Freak used wings from an F-18 fighter plane to construct a flying harness for Creed.  It can act independently from Creed or be commanded  through a mental link.   The wing can also fold up to become a hover cycle.


Obsidian is here!
(Yes, he is based on the
Beast Machines character
of the same name.)

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