
The Guardians are the heroes of the Legobot world.  They go to great lengths to protects life in all its forms.  They are noble and true.


          A scout mission lead by the Autobot leader Optimus Prime crash landed on the Legobot world.  Prime stayed in the damaged craft to evacuate the crew.  Tragically, the craft exploded with Optimus still inside.  He sustained near fatal injuries as a result.  The Autobot physician Ratchet, who was part of the exploration crew, started repairs to Optimus Prime.  During the repairs, Optimus' spark began to fade.
The Guardians found the crippled ship and its survivors.  Ratchet explained the situation to the Guardian leader.  To assisty thier new found friends, the Guardians decided to construct a duplicate body to house Optimus Prime's spark until repairs could be completed. They successfully transferred the spark and Optimus spent the remaining day in his temporary body, learning about the Legobot world.  When repairs had been completed, Optimus' spark was returned to his original body.  An unexpected side effect occurred.  The extreme power of the Autobot Matrix left a duplicate spark within the Legobot body. It was not as powerful without the Matrix, but it had the same personality, intellect, and memories as the real Optimus Prime.  The "Legobot Optimus Prime" decided to stay with the Guardians and agreed to take charge of the team.  The Autobots wished them luck and returned to Cybertron.  Since then, Optimus has taken over as the Guardian leader.  Rodimus Prime is proud to be second in command.
         The Guardians managed to create a laser rifle for the Legobot Optimus just like the original.  It has a range of 5 miles and can be fired in rapid succession.
*Creator's Note*
        Optimus' hands and laser rifle attach under the body in vehicle mode.  Also, I would have made his feet completely blue just like the original but I didn't have enough blue pieces.  Even I run out of parts sometimes.
Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime are trademarks of Hasbro and Takara.

Rodimus Prime 

        Rodimus gave up the mantle of Guardian Leader to Optimus Prime.  He knows that this version of Optimus contains the original's leadership skills and experience.  Rodimus Prime is now considered to be second in command.
*Creator's Note*
        Yes, Rodimus is based on the Transformer leader of the same name. He was one of the first Legobots. I built a few before him but they were awkward and didn't have any real transformation. Rod's legs and head are hinges. Unfortunately, his waist and arms are swivel joints. This means they don't hold up on their own. They dangle. I decided, from then on, to build with Technic joints and girders. 



*Creator's Note*
      I also got this idea from the Transformers. One clone is a car, the other a jet. Both look exactly alike (from the front) in robot mode. When I built them, I first made two identical robots. When I had a basic body created, I worked on their different transformations. I admit the car looks pretty weak. You have to use your imagination. 



*Creator's Note*
          Red looks like something out of Robotech. I didn't know what to do with his arms when he transformed, so I let them hang down. His arms are strong enough to hold up the entire figure. I made Red from a couple different sets. He has forward swept wings that fold into his body. Two mega-cannons swing out from his forearms. 



*Creator's Note*
        There's nothing really special about Blades. His claws are Technic skis. He has a basic transformation: the legs flip around, then you stand him up. Blades is the first Legobot whose arms can bend outwards. He has the basic shoulder and elbow joints, but I decided to add a hinge below his shoulder. 



        Falcon is a non-robot Legobot. His design is loosely based on the cartoon show "M.A.S.K" or the more recent "Vor-tech." The front four tires fold under the frame to become hover-jets while the rear tires fold back to become afterburners. That's about it. 

Big Green

         Big Green is made out of parts from LEGO's Technic flying car. He has a duel spin-blades for his right arm and a quad-mega cannon for his left. He also has two laser cannons mounted on his shoulders. Big Green is packed to the hilt!

          Blitz is an android on the "good" team.  The robotics factory, where Mr. Black stole a prototype, donated parts and schematics to Rodimus to help battle the junkbot android.  He stands 20 feet tall and possesses enormous strength.  Blitz's computer brain allows him to duplicate any action he sees, whether it's turning a somersault or sharpshooting at 500 yards.   Blitz has a remote control wing that attaches to his back.  It can fly on its own but obeys his every command.  Blitz has a laser rifle based on up-to-date Guardian technology.

        Skip was a human working in the robotics factory where Mr. Black broke in to steel the "Dragon" android prototype.  Skip was paralyzed in the process.  Rodimus, feeling responsible for what happened, had a legobot body created for him.  Skip even helped in the design, being a robotics genius himself.  Skip's new body can transform into a vehicle mode.  In robot mode, jump jets allow Skip to fly short distances.  His left arm is a duel mega-cannon with welding lasers attached.  His right arm is a regular robotic hand, capable of holding a weapon, or performing micro-surgery with uncanny precision.

      Sparrow is another "flying car."  He is often thought of as Falcon's little brother since they were created from the same programming. Sparrow possesses shield generators that fold down in flight mode.  The shields he generated can withstand a small nuclear blast.  He can create shields up to 500 feet in diameter or 1000 feet for brief periods of time. Unlike his fellow Guardians, Sparrow is a devout pacifist.  He has no offensive weapons but takes pride in protecting his fellow Legobots.

          Angel Mark VII is a true hero: brave, heroic, and devoted to the Guardian cause.  Angel does not believe in weapons.  He prefers hand-to- hand combat.  He transforms from a sub-sonic transport plane to a avenging robot.  His claws are made of an unbreakable titanium alloy and are powered by high-pressure hydralics.  Angel's grip is unbreakable.

Mr. White
      Mr. White is, of course, Mr. Black's brother.  He is also a wealthy businessman but not as greedy and power-hungry as Black.  White joined the Guardians when he saw the destruction his brother caused.  He built a flying battle tank.  It has four legs that can walk over obstacles and wheels for speed on the roads.  Mr. White's craft can fly for brief periods using jump jets.

          Rock Jaw is a robotic gryphon.  Nomad (SEE BELOW)created him to be his hunting partner.  Rock Jaw in not very intelligent, but is loyal to Nomad and will defend his master at all costs. Nomad thinks of him as his pet.
          Rock Jaw has the same sensors as Nomad but can fly faster and farther.  He is capable of mach 1 thanks to his rocket boosters mounted under each wing.  His claws are made of a titanium alloy and can shred steel.  His plasma fangs can puncture any known substance and his jaw is capable of 2000 fp of pressure per square inch.
          Although he will never admit it, Nomad has been known to play fetch with Rock Jaw, using trees or telephone poles.  Rock Jaw likes snapping them in half and bringing back the pieces.

the Bounty Hunter
Plasma Crossbow
(left arm)
        Nomad is a loner.  He prefers to hunt alone, without the help of his fellow Guardians.  He only returns to headquarters to recharge his energy cells.  Nomad hunts down Legobots who have committed high crimes.  He turns them in to the Guardian high council for the bounty on their head.  He uses the reward to upgrade his weapon and tracking systems.
        Nomad's left arm is a plasma crossbow, capable of firing solid plasma spikes.  These can explode on impact or remain solid, pinning his target.  His right arm can expel flames of pure plasma, capable of melting a ten foot block of steel in 3 seconds.
        In dragon mode, Nomad can fly at sub-sonic speeds for a range of 800 miles.  The dragon is capable of expelling plasma from its mouth.  His tail spikes can pierce heavy armor.  Sensors in the dragon's nose can track anything, robot or human for up to 100 miles.  It can see in total darkness and can hear a pin drop at a distance of two miles.  Nomad always finds what, or who, he's looking for.

Flight Mode
Star ship Mode
      Stinger's origin is a mystery.  He was found near an Insectoid crash site, barely functioning.  Rodimus brought him back to the Guardian base to be repaired.  Stinger was greatful to the Guardians and decided to join Rodimus in his quest for peace.  Stinger learned the Legobot language and quickly adapted to his new life.  Because of the crash, his memory banks were damaged. He has no
recallection of the Insectoid home world.  Stinger's cockpit suggests that Insectoids could control him from inside.  Have the Insectoids learned how to create Legobots too?  If they have, are they friend or foe?  Only time will tell. 
       Stinger's vehicle mode is capable of flight through air and space.  In flight mode, his powerful fusion engine can propell him to mach 8.  In space ship mode the fusion engine is capable of shifting sub-space, allowing Stinger to travel many light years in a matter of minutes.  Although Stinger wants to go back to the Insectoid homeworld one day, he is afraid of what he will find.  Being part of the Guardian team, he has become noble and good.  What if the Insectoids are evil?

         Dozer is a modified super-bulldozer. His vehicle mode is super charged with twin engines.  With his bucket shovels, Dozer can dig a mile long tunnel in an hour.  His main shovel and bucket shovels are made of an impenetrable titanium-adamantium alloy.  Dozer uses his main shovel for ramming.  Nothing can stand in his way. 
         In robot mode, Dozer has enormous strength.  He can lift 80 tons.  His shovel-arms he can punch through just about anything. But inside his hulking chest beats a heart of a kitten.  Dozer only fights when he has to.  If given the chance, he would do nothing but dig all day.  He believes all life is sacred, even the Destrons. 


      Firefly is a "second generation" android.  Faster than Blitz and twice as strong, Firefly is state-of -the-art.  The wing boosters double as a duel mega cannon capable of blasting a hole through ten feet of solid rock.  Firefly's "wing" design is unique.  It can hover, fly backwards, and can achieve mach 1 with the help of its boosters.  Like the other android wings, it can function separately from its host, responding to mental commands.


Nitro joins the Guardian team
in a most unusual way...

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