Sprite's Aquarium
Defender Sira
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Who knows?
web arcade Goldfish Productions

Here are some games I've made over the past few years. As you can tell, I've never finished a "major" game project in my life, but you might have some fun with these little gizmos. You need a machine that can run Windows 95/98 (NT and ME have not been tested), at least a 486 processor, a 256-color display, and a megabyte or two of hard drive space. (Pretty old-school, huh?)

I made all of these games with ClickTeam products. Take a look at my Klik Resources page to find out more about them.

play the games...
Server Router Bullet Server Router (puzzle)
A pretty unique game. I managed to program this in three days, in time for the ThinkQuest Internet Challenge, so there are still plenty of logic errors. Send me your comments!
Bullet Mouse Break (arcade) 
A clone of the famous Breakout, except with mouse pointers! :-D 
Bullet Space Mouse (arcade)
A side-scrolling shooter starring our favorite mouse pointer.
Bullet Ski Mouse (arcade) 
Just like Klik & Play's Ski Monday, except with our favorite mouse pointer. 
Bullet Eatit v1.4 (arcade)
Stuff it down those bad 16-color ghosts with this clone of the famous Pac-Man.
Bullet Defender Sira old arcade game
Although seriously outdated, it can be a little fun...! The source code is unprotected, so you can make your own levels if you want to.
in the works...

Eatit II is a PacMan clone. It should be pretty easy for me to finish; I just need the motivation ;-)

Server Router is a cross between Lemmings and the Train game from Lost Mind of Dr. Brain. I made a workable beta version of this for DCCentral, an educational website I made with my friend Aristokitty. Good news? I got it to work in three days. Bad news? Lots of logic errors — sometimes the data balls go wacky, and things look funny. Made in The Games Factory.

Zip Archives

Tech-savvy people, skip this.

All of the downloads throughout Sprite's Aquarium are compressed in a teensy-tiny file called a ZIP archive. You need a special program to "unzip", or take out, the files, before you can use them. I heartily recommend WinZip, for Windows users. It's a program that'll let you unzip the files I have here. So go there, download the program, and install it. :-)


What's New?

Vitalize is a plug-in that will allow you to play many of these games directly from your browser. You'll notice that some of these are downloadable, while others say "Play Online." You must download the plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape from this site (you can NOT have Netscape or Internet Explorer automatically install the plug-in because the plug-in is not registered in their databases):

Once you are there, the choices may be overwhelming. You may choose any of the three versions available for download. The screenshot below shows the smallest version available.

Vitalize! screenshot

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