Sprite's Aquarium
Defender Sira

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Defender Sira



Chibi Sira! "Palm ist gut, ja?"Welcome to the revamped Defender Sira website. If you have any suggestions for this site, any things you'd like to see, or any compliments 8-) please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. There are some new CG works up and a new comic, and the first chapter is almost finished.

Defender Sira is a written saga of a high school sophomore named Sira Li. Her best friend, Frank, enlists with the Allied Starsystem Organization after an encounter with the Malahuareen Empire, a force bent on taking planets throughout the galaxy under the command of Director Halfentea. Sira reluctantly follows Frank. Together, with their mentor Harris, they discover the key to stopping the Malahuareen rampage — and discover themselves.

Defender Sira was originally created in March 1997 as a storyline for an arcade game I was making, inspired by Commander Keen V. It has since then grown to magnanimous proportions, into what the Internet categorizes as an "original world". Defender Sira was inspired by many things. The name was taken from one of the characters in Blue Byte's roleplaying game Albion, while the game adopted the look and feel of Commander Keen. The concepts and storylines were inspired by shows such as Star Trek, Titan A.E., Invasion America, Dune, Final Fantasy VII, Andromeda, and the video game Septerra Core.



The first stage of the website's layout renovation is complete; for the second stage, I'll focus on the content: writing the stories and drawing more artwork. While you wait, take a look at what I have up thus far.

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Stories for Defender Sira that I've written.

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Information about the worlds and the factions.

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Profiles and images for individual characters.

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Games made in the Defender Sira world.

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Photoshop-colored artworks of Sira and the team.

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Monthly comic featuring Sira at high school.



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