Sprite's Aquarium
Defender Sira
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Who knows?

library "Oh, to be Fish..."

Here's where I store fiction and poetry that I've written. Feel free to critique me at any time, of course; someday, I'll finish that Defender Sira story too.

Short Stories

Take a Peep...

All the Time In the World
Everyone in the world seems to be running out of time, especially Daniel, who is stressed over a deadline. But he finds a little device that can slow time down, in effect, adding an hour to every real minute that passes. Added 1 February 2000.

Take a Peep...

Harris's Gas, Stop, Service and Refreshment
Written rather hastily for a writing contest, this odd story tells of a man encountering a desolate gas station and a horrifying truth.

Take a Peep...

The Middle Life
A boy takes his first step onto the bus of reality and suddenly winds up in old age.


Take a Peep...

The Great Procrastinator New!
Teenagers always procrastinate and put off things until the last minute.

Take a Peep...

Dreaming About You
Ever think about that special someone in your dreams?


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