Sprite's Aquarium
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Who knows?

Je ne sais pas! Smug. Content. Such is the fish.

Wow! Is this a secret place?!
More likely you're bored. Well, that's ok. Here are things you can stare at. %-)

My cool aquarium.

P.Y.'s cool aquarium

Sorry, I forgot the artist credit for this image.

Dopefish now!! swim swim hungry ...

Submit an aquarium!

Sprite's Aquarium Presents... The Guide for High School Freshmen

Bullet Make sure you run really fast to the lunchlines whenever the lunch bell rings. Logic dictates that he who is fastest shall get the food first.

Bullet By their fourth year of high school, seniors will be extremely tired and devoid of energy to lift a finger. Show your supremacy and youthful energy by challenging one of these soporific students to a contest of strength.

Bullet Administrators enjoy working and interacting with students. Actions, such as that listed in the previous tip, will allow you to hold such meetings and form bonds, especially with the Assistant Principal of Student Discipline.

Bullet Older female students are usually more concerned with their appearance, and usually prefer younger men. Asking one of them out to Homecoming isn't a bad idea.


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