"The Boys"
Boots, Sylvester, and Wally sitting atop a steer skull after meeting
our pair of Labs for the first time. Their brother Jinks was clinging
off the backside and out of camera view.
These little guys as well as the labs, are all rescue animals.


"Cat Nap"
A better view of the brothers four.
To the left is Wally, top center is Sylvester, bottom center is Boots
and to the right is Jinks, all cat-napping on their favorite chair.
Jinks likes to ride on my shoulder where ever I go,
even while I am on the tractor. He is a special little guy!

It saddens me to report that I lost my little buddy Jinks
 to a local fox that hunts in this area. He will be sorely missed.
So will mister fox!


This is Josie, and she is strictly Daddies little girl.
Sylvia found her in the middle of Main Street in Billings during
one of the worst rain and hail storms we had last year.
At first she thought she was a clump of mud, as cars were driving
right over the top of her. When Sylvia got up to her she lifted
her little head up and Sylvia hit the breaks. As the rain and hail fell,
horns honked, and some expletives were yelled out. Sylvia dashed out
without any thought of her own safety and scooped up the tiny creature
and off she went to work. She dried off the little beast, fed her, and called
 to tell me the tale. I told her to bring her home to me and let me
care for her and she did. When she arrived home, she placed the little
furball in my hand and that was all it took. Within seconds Josie was
purring and snuzzling me like I was her long lost mama,
and she has been my baby ever since.

Josie as she looks these days.


And yet another adopted cat, is little Lucy.
She showed up at the front door of the house in Billings
meowing her head off. Sylvia brought her in and fed her
and followed up by putting an add in the lost and found.
Needless to say, nobody claimed her. She has since joined us
at the ranch and fits right in. People ask me "Why all of the Cats?"
I then ask them if they have ever heard of the "Hanta Virus"


Solo, the large beige puff to the left of Jinks, got his name real easy.
He was the only fetus his mother carried during her pregnancy.
When he came out, we were astonished to say the least.
The special thing about Solo is that he was born the same day as
my Granddaughter, and when they both came home,
they were inseparable. He would lay down on her blanket next to her
and would just purr like there was no tomorrow.
Solo has been with me now for ten years,
and is the biggest sweetest companion cat I have ever had.
P.S.  that is boots behind him.

Since the birth of my Granddaughter, Solo was always by
her side, like a guardian angel. To this day, if he hears her
voice on the speaker phone, he starts to meow and look for her.
It tugs at my heart strings.


Snowflake is another rescue animal. She was the only resident of the ranch cabin I moved into when I first arrived in Montana. I did not know what to call her until one day during my first snowstorm here, I noticed she was running around and jumping into the air catching the snowflakes that were gracefully drifting down to earth. Hence the name "Snowflake". When I adopted lady & Tanya (my labs) at two months old, she acted like they were her own offspring and would bathe them, sleep with them, and scold them when they got out of hand. I used to take the puppies on long evening walks during the cool summer nights, and there she and Solo would be, right behind us every step of the way.


Yes, P.I. is another rescue animal. I got him and his two brothers,
"Woodrow" and "Augustus" up at treetop ranch, which is where I lived and shared expenses with a friend of mine that came here with
the big cattle drive of 89. I lost Woodrow when he was struck by a car
last year, and I lost poor Augustus to an Eagle. P. I. is my morning
chores partner. He will make the rounds with me and when I am done he
gets his daily belly rub, of which he lives for.


This is Bobbi and he is one of my best lap buddies.
Bobbi is 12 years old and is very good at taking care
of himself out here in the wilderness of the
Bull Mountains, his age speaks for that.
He is a very sweet gentlman and another
companion while I am outdoors doing chores.


"Pi & Solo"
Pi has had a couple of scrapes with the old fox,
but has managed to escape with little or no injuries.
Solo on the other hand flat out fights and pursues
the little bugger. What a sight to see.
Unfortunately, he is the only one that can get away with it!


Our newest addition is this little guy.
He is the brother of Jynks, as they both have the same mother
but are from separate litters. Just like his big brother was,
Yeller is a shoulder rider, and if I don't put him up there he
meows his little fool head off... Hence the name "Yeller".

This is Yeller as he is today.
And boy is he a fiesty little poop!
Here he is getting his daily love from Dad.


Animal Wishes
All of our animals have been spayed or neutered
so we do not contribute to the over population problem.
If you have a pet, please have them fixed.
If more pet owners made this a practice with their own animals,
we would not have the problems of abandoned animals
that have to be rescued and adopted out to good homes.
Or put to sleep (KILLED) due to over crowding at the shelters.
Please be a responsible pet owner.
Neuter or Spay, it's the only way!

page 1
The Cherokee
page 2
The Elders
Living The Past
page 3
The Riders 
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page 4
The Riders 
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The Riders 
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The Riders 
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page 4
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The Horses 
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The Horses 
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Pops Memorial
The Horses 
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