The Spirit of Living

"Spirit of Self"

Be loyal, strong, loving, and dedicated to yourself first,
you may then show others
that these qualities you are willing to share,
must be earned by them, and not demanded.

Two Dogs


Live your life like you are being watched
and graded,
for the Creator is all seeing!

Just My Opinion...
In my lifetime I have listened to the many voices
of my friends and family.
I have heard some of them moan, groan, complain,
protest, and whine about the quality,
or the lack of it within their lives.
There are those who seem to believe that
their pains are greater, there troubles more complex,
their problems more important,
and their suffering much more tumultuous
than that of anyone else.

I made a decision long ago
to steer clear of these types of people,
as their negativity is all they have going for them.
There are a few of them that believe there sufferings
give them an open door to be rude,
and down right obnoxious to all they come across.
To talk down to anyone that does not feed them
the pity they are fishing for.
They are the greatest of fools.
Life is not fair,
but nobody ever said it was going to be.

I have several brothers and sisters on the net
that have health issues and pain,  just as I do,
but they are always full of love and cheer,
able to joke about their situations,
and we all thank the Creator that we are still here.
Just being alive is a very great gift.

The best thing about pain...
Is to be alive to feel it!



My Sister, My little one, HairDark
Katherine Raborn.

My sister Blood Poet,
has had her share of pain, turmoil,
and the horrors that life can throw at us...
Yet, she sees her way through it all
and uses it to teach us that it is just life,
and it can be felt in her own poetry and writing style.
She is our matriarch,
and she keeps us together as a family.
She is my greatest mentor.

Brother Cougar Heart,
who almost joined the creator last year,
and lives to joke about it,
has gone back to creating his beautiful graphics,
and spreading the word of what really happened
in the American West in its early days.
The true history of what happened to the American Indian
and what is still being done today
to try and keep them down as a people.
All of this, and he really does not dwell
on what had happened to him,
but what he can do to teach the masses.

Sister Little Whitewolf,
who has had to endure much pain,
as well as surgeries to correct problems in her arms,
has put her situation behind her
to adopt and make a wonderful home and atmosphere
for their new daughter "Little Morning Dove".
At the same time she shares her newest happiness with us all,
you will never hear her complain of her own situation,
or the pain she must endure from it.
She spreads nothing but love amongst
her Red brothers and sisters, as well as the Red Word!

Brother Night Badger,
a Vietnam Vet, as is Greywolf,
is still haunted by the horrors
of what he went through during that vile war.
Yet, he does not complain,
but spends more time helping not only his brother Veterans,
but rallying all of us together to help make it better
for all of our Red brothers and sisters.
He fights to help those who are still facing
the ongoing problems of prejudice and racism
against the great people of the Red Nations.

Brother & Sister Sam & Rain Silverhawk,
these two wonderful people have had major health problems,
were almost killed in an automobile accident this last year,
and while they are still trying to recover from their problems...
are trying to help me with my own
by teaching me all about natural remedies to overcome
my health problems. What a beautiful pair of people.

Sister or brother,
these individuals are Warriors
in the truest sense of the word,
and I am proud to honor them for being who they are.
My Family of the Blood,
and those who will always walk the Red Road!

I did not ask permission to mention their names,
or to write their stories,
as their humbleness would not have allowed it.
But they are all a shining example of what it is
to be up against the greatest of odds,
and still come out smiling.
There are many more of you out there just like them.
I not only applaud you for your strength,
but your bravery and courage
to live your lives and still spread joy, love,
and happiness in all that you have faced.

I have learned that no matter how bad a situation is,
it will become better if you work on it.
Being a positive thinker,
as well as someone who makes an effort
to make things better for themselves,
as well as those around them is what life is all about.

Standing on a soapbox and pumping your gums,
while blowing hot wind out of your mouth
and feeling sorry for yourself,
has never helped a bad situation get better.
You have to believe in your yourself,
as well as your own mind and heart
in order to get any kind of positive action going.
The power of prayer is also one of the greatest tools
we have to help us through troubled times,
and we should all use it... It Works!

Many people have forgotten how make a bad situation better,
and until they learn that 90% of the time their actions
or the lack of them are the cause of their situations,
they will be doomed to live out their lives
in a self induced Hell!

Two Dogs

Song Playing is... "Near Balis Shore"
By Permission of Elan Michaels


Please help the Spirit of Peace 
take wing around the World
by taking it to your site,
by giving it to someone else for their site,
by sending it to another Continent,
or to the Conflict areas of the World.


"You live longer once you realize...
that any time spent being unhappy is wasted."
 -- Ruth E. Renkl --


To be relentless in all that you do...
To face the greatest of odds with bravery, and  win the battle...
To never give up on yourself, or the task at hand...
To pursue any situation or task to its end with a victory...
To not know the meaning of retreat, 
unless it serves you in triumph...
To be a fierce warrior and protector of what is yours...
To stand with honor for your beliefs, and fight for them...
To see beyond your own pain or fear and press on...
To fight to the highest of levels to preserve your own life,
or the lives of your Clan or Family...
To let your enemies know that to try to eliminate you,
will be the toughest situation that they will ever face,
at great risk of their own loss...
To live and die with the Great Pride of a Warrior.
This is the Spirit of the Dogmen!


"Progress is impossible without change,
and those who cannot 
change their minds...
cannot change anything."
 -- George Bernard Shaw --


This is a gift from a true brother of the Red Trail.


page 1
The Cherokee
page 2
The Elders
Living The Past
page 3
The Riders 
page 1
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page 4
The Riders 
page 2
page 2
page 1
The Riders 
page 3
page 3
The Riders 
page 4
page 4
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Pops Memorial
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