I thank my Sister Blood Poet for this Award of Awards.
It is not only my honor, but my privlege to accept
and display it for all to see.
It is my pride!

This page is in no way meant to catagorize or depict 
my Native American brothers and sisters of 
the Great Nations as a Racist or Biased people. 
It is in fact though, aimed at the small faction of 
brothers and sisters that are guilty of being
a bit heartless when it comes down to the treatment of 
those who would glady face persecution 
from an Unjust and Biased government
in the defense of the American Indian People.
It is time to band together, and not against one another!
Listen to the Elders, as they have seen the future.
And above all... Remember the vision of Crazy Horse,
Two Great Nations becoming one!

Two Dogs


"White Eyes"

I am sure that we are all familiar with this term.
It is American Indian slang for the white man.
As I talk amongst my many Indian brothers 
and sisters, I still hear this term used quite a bit.
Hell, I use it myself at times to show 
discontent for the biased and racist 
anti Indian idiots I run into.
Something has bothered me as of late though, 
and it is something that haunts me a great deal.

A very close brother of mine, 
who is of Arapaho blood,
tried to go to a tribal meeting, 
as he is quite an activist for the Red cause. 
He was met at the door by a tribal member... 
a supposed brother, 
and was asked for his tribal affiliation card. 
When he stated he did not have one, 
he was told to leave and that 
he had no business there. 
This is shame #1.

Another brother of mine, who is of mixed 
Cheyenne blood and is also very active 
in fighting for the rights of American Indians, 
was called a "Wanna Be", and a "White Eye" 
by some of the very people he was trying 
to rally support for... 
just because he was not a full blood, 
he had short blonde hair, 
and his skin color was lighter 
than those who besieged him at a local Pow Wow. 
This is shame #2.

I have the utmost respect for all of the people 
of the Great Nations, and I have come to know many brothers and sisters of many tribes and clans.
All of the red brothers and sisters 
I am acquainted with would never belittle 
their own kind in this way.
Yet, there are a few out there that feel it is 
their duty to show their ignorance and prejudice.
Like it is their badge of honor to do so.
Being a fool and putting down a fellow brother 
because they are of mixed blood, 
or they are not carrying a tribal affiliation card 
does not make anyone a warrior, 
nor does it right any of the wrongs 
that have already been done!
We have Red Hearts and Blood...
"We dont got to show you no stinkin badges"!
Carrying an Indian I.D. Card 
was started by the Wasichu.
I for one do not need any kind of an I.D. 
to know who I am, or where my heart is,
and I do not stand in line for government cheese!
Wake Up!

Here where I live in Montana, 
my Indian brothers and sisters 
are of mixed blood, and full blood. 
Some are light skinned like myself,
some are the beautiful rich brown 
of their blood ancestors. 
Some live on their own ranches, 
some on the Reservations. 
Some live in town, 
some out in the country. 
Some live by the old ways, 
some completely modernized. 
But we are all judged by what is 
in our hearts and not our blood origin!
After all, is that not what it is to be Indian, 
to live by what is in your heart 
as was intended by the Creator, 
and not just as a blood right.
Unfortunately there are a few amongst us 
that feel that if you do not carry a card, 
or are not pure of blood, 
you are an outsider, a wanna be, or a white eye.
More shame!

I know of some full blood  American Indians
that could care less about trying to better 
the way of life for their own people.
These are young ones and  they in fact 
know very little about their heritage, 
and do not care to learn.
The old ways are "Dead" they claim.
I know some that have just a trace of 
Indian blood that are proud of their 
Indian heritage and are always willing 
to learn how to help their Indian 
brothers and sisters
and spread love and forgiveness,
as well as fight to change the way 
the American Indian is still treated
at the hands of ignorant racists
and a biased and unfair government.

Song playing is
"Cuts Like A Knife"
Bryan Adams

Last year when the Cherokee tribe of Alabama 
was trying to stop the local Jaycees 
from using the Sacred Burial Mounds as 
a Holloween fund raiser dubbed the 
"Trail of Fears", 
everyone rallied to support our 
Cherokee brothers and sisters in their 
fight to stop the atrocity to this sacred place. 
I do not recall anyone being told that 
we could not sign the petitions if we 
were not full blooded Cherokee or Indian.
And as the fight goes into the courts against 
Chief Gold and his family members on trumped up 
charges of the so called assault on the deputies
at the Burial Mounds, 
nobody has been told that they cannot support 
our Cherokee brothers and sisters because 
we are not full blooded American Indians.

No body has been told that they cannot sign the 
many petitions to free Leonard Peltier, 
or to write the lawmakers and government to do so, 
because they are not full blooded Indians.

No one has told us that we have to stop our 
constant support, and our signing of 
numerous petitions over the years for the 
"Save the Buffalo Foundation" 
to save this great and Sacred animal that 
has a great Spiritual meaning to the 
American Indian people, 
because we are not full blooded Indians!

I have heard a few of my Indian brothers talk about 
the atrocities that the white government bestowed 
upon the immigrant people that traveled to 
this country looking to start new lives. 
Or how the Black man was treated as they were 
sold and used as slaves by the white eyes.
They have forgotten that immigrant labor was 
used to lay down the tracks of the Iron Horse 
that helped scatter the Indian to the 
four corners of this country, 
and away from their sacred lands.
Or the Buffalo Soldiers that rounded up 
and murdered the Indian people, 
and helped force them to march the Trail of Tears. 
The black man was also given the job of 
U.S. Marshals and sent into the Nations to
murder and subdue our Indian brothers.
Did these atrocities get carried out by 
brothers and sisters of mixed Indian blood?
Has time and hatred clouded some minds 
to the truth of how things really were, 
and who the enemy really was?
If you can forgive those who had a 
hand in the horrors that your 
Grandfathers and Grandmothers
had to live and die through, 
why can you not accept the ones who
stand with you in your fight for a fair life?

Does anyone remember the term
"Manifest Destiny"

It is a known fact that the U.S. Government 
had tried to rid this land of 
all Indian people by taking their sacred lands, 
then killing off the Buffalo 
which was the major source of food, 
clothing and shelter, 
and trying to "Breed Out" as they say, 
the Indian blood lines and educate them 
to turn them all in to good Christians 
and God fearing white folk. 
This failed, as there are now just more 
American Indian people, 
and in greater numbers than before... 
And yes, they are of mixed blood. 
This is good, as there is Power in numbers.
Yes, some are light skinned, some are dark.
Some have blonde hair, red hair, and brown hair. 
Some are bald, Some are tall, some are short. 
Some heavy, some thin, and some are veterans 
that went through their own personal hell 
to fight for all of our freedoms. 
But it has been my experience that 
when someone starts knocking the American Indian,
or their way of life... 
these mixed blood brothers and sisters 
raise up their heads and fists and 
take up the fight for their brothers, sisters,
and cousins of the blood.
It is what is in their hearts, and it hurts 
to see or hear of them being condemned 
for what they believe in, and how they wish to live. 
To get kicked in the face by those they love 
and are trying to help, by ending a humiliating 
existence at the hands of the ignorant ones.
None of them forced anyone on to a reservation,
none of them put anyone on a train at gunpoint,
none of them has made anybody make 
a forced march over hundreds of miles 
and away from their homes and land.

 So why are they treated as the enemy?
I think some have forgotten the message 
sent by the Tribal Elders this passed year.
It is time to stop the hate and move forward 
to a better life. Make it better for 
the next generations of children... 
Of all Colors!
After all, when it comes right down to it, 
no matter who we look in the face,
no matter what color we are... 
Do we not all have "White Eyes"...
Cut out our hearts, are they all not Red
with the same color of blood.
This is not what the Creator, 
the One God had in mind for his children.
I ask you brothers and sisters...
What Creator do you pray to,
and what are you fighting for?

Two Dogs



A beautiful gift from my Sister HairDark
Thank you little one.

page 1
The Cherokee
page 2
The Elders
Living The Past
page 3
The Riders 
page 1
page 1
page 4
The Riders 
page 2
page 2
page 1
The Riders 
page 3
page 3
page 2
The Riders 
page 4
page 4
The Horses 
page 1
page 5
page 4
The Horses 
page 2
page 6
Pops Memorial
The Horses 
page 3
page 7
The Horses 
page 4
Home Page
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The Horses 
 My Awards
Our Family
The Dogs
 The Hair
The Cats
Our Other Critters
 Buffalo Jump




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