My Father always told me to use my head!
After a few concussions, I went over to
a Pac 3 Helmet and a Perm.
It worked.
Once again I was able to use my head!


1976 Championship Team - SJCC Jaguars -  #76


"In the trenches"


(team nickname)
SJCC Jaguars

I enjoyed playing football as it gave me a way 
to use both my body and brain to overcome obstacles 
that were placed in my way, as it also taught me 
the meaning and spirit of teamwork.
It gave me a way to vent frustration, anger, and hostility, 
but it also taught me the meaning of structure and above all,
the art and concept of discipline and self control.
It  built my character and self esteem, and these
are qualities that are still with me to this day.
The sport also taught me how to fight and not give up,
no matter how hard the situation became.

I made quite a few life long friends along the way 
and they are friendships that are based on respect, 
admiration, and love for each other, as friendships should be. 
The team was my tribe, and I had brothers of many colors... 
we were all one, and Unity is Power!


"Fourth and Fifteen"


The greatest friendship I ever made 
while playing football was with my friend Ron. 
We started out as ruthless adversaries,
as we met while battling 
for a position on the SJCC Jaguars.
We did not like each other at first, 
due to the fact that he was an offensive tackle, 
and I was a defensive tackle.
He was also a rookie, 
and that means he had to be taught respect
(at least, that was the mindset at the time).

There were many days that we left each other 
battered and bruised, but with time... 
We had a great respect for each others abilities.
Ron and I continued to play ball with each other 
when we got to the Professional level. 
He played for both the San Jose Tigers,
and the Fremont Cavaliers as I did.

We both retired from the game the same year
and went into coaching youth football. 
Ron at the High school level,
and I went to the Police Athletic League.
Ron was one of the toughest offensive tackles 
I ever went up against, and I have gone against 
some of the best there are.

Ron and I still keep in touch, and we are family.
His wife Christine is an absolute sweetheart, 
and their daughter Tiffany calls me Uncle Joe. 
I love these guys with all of my heart,
and I get the love back in spades.
God love you brother... Jags for life!


I spent many years as a player and Coach and
I thank the lord for giving me the opportunity
to be involved in a sport that taught me lessons
that are the tools I will carry with me forever
and try to pass on to others.


Song Playing is "The Brickwall"

Teams I played for from 1975 to 1983...

San Jose City College Jaguars - #76
Colors: Purple, White, and Gold
6'4" - 230 lbs.
Right Defensive End
Left Defensive Tackle
Nose Tackle

This was the 1976 season that we went all the way to the Championships and won 28 to 23 in the "Bay Bowl"
against the Contra Costa Comets.


Semi Professional Teams

San Jose Tigers - #77
Colors: Red, White, and Gold
6'4" - 245 lbs.
Right Defensive End
Nose Tackle


1978 was a good year for the Tigers...
we were 13 - 0 and took the Championships.


Fremont Cavaliers - #76
Colors: Purple, White, and Gold
6'4" - 268 lbs.
Left Defensive Tackle
Nose Tackle

The Fremont Cavaliers was a farm team for the
Oakland Invaders of the now defunct USFL.
Our first year we were 3 - 10.
After the season, the team folded,
and due to a severe neck injury...
I retired from playing the game for good.



Head Coach, Defensive Coordinator
and Defensive line Coach
Milpitas White Knights Football team
The kids called me RoboCoach due to the prosthetic brace,
and I let them for it was out of love and respect.

"The Milpitas White Knight Football Team"
Colors: Green, Gold, and White

Favorite Team of the NFL...

My Number One Team!

I am an avid and loyal fan of the Oakland Raiders,
or as they are known back in the hood, 
the Oaktown Boys!
I have been a raider fan for over 30 years now 
and have never given up on them...
Just Win Baby!

2000 - 2001
A.F. C. Western Division Champions


In Memory of
Eric Turner
#29 - Safety - Oakland Raiders
Died of Abdominal Cancer - 2000
You are loved and missed by all.


Keep your eyes on the Raiders!

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