From Wakan-Tanka, the Great Mystery, 
comes all power. It is from Wakan-Tanka 
that the holy man has wisdom 
and the power to heal and make holy charms. 
Man knows that all healing plants
are given by Wakan-Tanka, 
therefore they are holy.
So too is the buffalo holy,
because it is the gift of Wakan-Tanka.

-Flat-Iron (Maza Blaska) Oglala Sioux Chief

To my Little One, 
I am praying for you
with the strength of 
the Family Heart.
Be strong, 
as you are loved by us all.
I Love You... 
The Man in the Moon!

Hello and welcome to my web site.
I have developed this web site because I am lazy 
and cannot seem to write my family and friends 
on a regular basis, at least that is what 
I have been accused of! Instead, 
I will use these web pages to let all who enter 
get a taste of my semi private 
little world up here in the Big Sky country of Montana.
This Web Site is also set up for children to enjoy. 
I have my Grandchildren and my many little Cousins, 
Nephews, and Nieces that I love to entertain and educate, 
as well as bring smiles to their precious little faces. 
So whether you call me Dad, Cousin, Uncle, brother, 
Pop-pop, Papa Joe, or Two Dogs... 
These pages are dedicated to you 
and I hope you enjoy them.

From sister
Evening Rain Crow.
This award means much to me,
as it represents
my undying pursuit to make life,
as well as these pages,
a wonderful place for all of our little ones...
As well as ourselves!

I have decided to remove my 
American Indian News page
from my site and just refer everybody 
to my Sister Evening Rain Crow, 
and the best American Indian news site 
on the entire internet! Anything and everything 
you need to know about what is happening 
to the American Indian
can be found here... Plus a lot more!
So drop in to "My Two Beadsworth"
and just say "Brother Dawgs" sent ya!

The following pages are filled with graphics and photos
that I hope you will enjoy, as well as information on
a variety of subjects that I am interested in.
First and foremost, I want to thank two very special
people to me. They are "Sam and Rain Silverhawk".
Sam is the artist who furnished the majority of
Native American graphics you will see within this web site.
Rain is very knowledgeable when it comes to html coding
and is always willing to help out on this subject.
Without their help these pages would not have been possible.
They are both very talented artists,
and I recommend that you visit their web pages,
as their talents cover much more than just graphics.
See my favorite links page to find out more.



The following pages are filled with many graphics that
I have  either made myself, the artists that produced them. 
I also followed the standard procedure of using 
them by furnishing a link back to the site of the Artist. 
However, I have had quite a few graphics and 
midi's sent to me by various internet friends
that I am using upon my site. If I am using any 
that are someone else's personal property, 
or any that the proper Artist  or 
composer would like to be recognized for... 
or just simply do not want their work upon my site,
please send me an email and I would be more than happy
to give a link back to your site and give credit to you, 
or remove your work from mine.
Which ever pleases you the most!
I do not want to be one who steals the hard work
of others, I am not a Thief or a Pirate!
Sincerely, Joe,
AKA "Two Dogs".

Please look at the faces of these missing children!
Do any of them look familiar to you?


It is not only my honor, but a privlege
as well to accept this beautiful award
from "Chandos Wolf".
I thank you my brother.

I thank Steele Graphics for this
beautiful Custom made Gift Plate.
Please click on plate to visit this
fantastic collection of Custom Gift Plates.


Please Do Me The Honor Of
Signing My Guestbook Before You Leave.
Tell Me A Little About Yourself.

Trouble no one about their religion;
respect others in their view
and demand that they respect yours.

~Chief Tecumseh~

This web site is very rich in graphics,
so grab a cup of coffee, sit and relax,
and please be patient as my world
downloads before your eyes.

I thank both Jack & Linda Witt for this plaque
that depicts the fight to save our Animal Cousins.
Please click on this beautiful plaque to visit their
wonderful site and join the battle to save
our precious Wildlife!

click on this plaque to visit the pages of
"Chandos Wolf".
Join the fight to save the Wolf.

I am extremely proud of this plaque
from "Chandos Wolf", as it is from
a fellow brother in the fight to
save the Wolf... as well as
all the members of the Animal Kingdom.
Thank You Hal!

Please email me with any
comments you might have
about this site.


I am very pleased and honored to introduce 
"Sandy Church" to my web family and friends.
Sandy has taken over the Rimrock Humane Society, 
formerly of Billings, and has moved it to 
Roundup and the Bull Mountains.
This is something that we have needed 
in Musselshell county for several years now, 
and I am proud to be allowed to help this organization, 
and be a friend to both Sandy and Warren Church.
The organization is in it's infant stage,
but has the backing and support 
of many animal lovers in our area. 
If anyone is interested in furthering her cause 
with much needed Donations, Volunteers, 
Pet Supplies, or even just a kind word...
Please contact Sandy and let this lovely lady know 
she is not alone in the fight to help 
our animal companions.
For more information about the 
Rimrock Humane Society,
please click on the banner above 
and you will be taken to this site.

Please Help Our Animal Cousins!

Thank You,
Two Dogs.

I would also like to introduce my sister Mary Alice, 
aka Moonflower and my brother Chris, 
aka Little Smiling Bear.
Mary Alice runs the United Kindom chapter of 
The Canadian Voice for Animals.
Together, these two have an undying love 
and devotion to saving our animal cousins, 
and the web site is breathtaking 
and packed full of animal information.
I consider them both family 
and love them with all of my heart.

My sister Deseroka Littlewing has one of 
the most fantastic sites on the web. 
She is also involved in saving 
our animal companions, 
but her talents do not stop there. 
You must give her site a visit 
to understand the depth of her many talents 
and what she has to offer.


page 1
The Cherokee
page 2
The Elders
Living The Past
page 3
The Riders 
page 1
page 1
page 4
The Riders 
page 2
page 2
page 1
The Riders 
page 3
page 3
page 2
The Riders 
page 4
page 4
page 3
The Horses 
page 1
page 5
page 4
The Horses 
page 2
page 6
Pops Memorial
The Horses 
page 3
page 7
The Horses 
page 4
Favorite Links
The Horses 
 My Awards
Our Family
The Dogs
 The Hair
The Cats
Our Other Critters
 Buffalo Jump



Please click on the above banner 
to read the petition information, 
and help free our Red Brother "Long Soldier".


Please remember to "Bookmark" this site.

If you would like to link to my site,
you may use any of these banners to do so,
or you may give me a text link.
I would greatly appreciate either one!
Thank you.

Please direct any links to:


Background by
Silverhawk Creations
Please visit Brother Silverhawks site for the best 
American Indian graphics on the web.

Please visit the wonderful site 
of my Beloved Sister.
Lots of beautiful poetry, graphics, and truth.
Tell Tracie Hello from Brother Dawgs!

Sister PurpleHawk has everything 
you need to know about our
Apache brothers and sisters, 
as well as beautiful graphics, 
and a site layout that is educational 
and pleasing to the eyes.

Hosted by