[title page] [book I] [book II] [book III] [book IV]

[book V] [book VI] [book VII] [book VIII]

[book IX] [book X] [book XI] [book XII]

Dawn came up from the couch of her repose,

As Lord Toddysseus stayed by the side

Of Princess, in her bed all pure and chaste,

While Obadius, Briam, Melinaus,

And young Jeaneas made their way to Rome,

A settlement of Hojan refugees.

But letting old acquaintance be forgot,

They made a peace, and joined a settlement:

"Albergo Nazionale" it was called,

And four stars did it rate in all the guides.

Our princes lived like kings for several days,

Until remembering their dying queen

And setting off to find the antidote.

They found the remedy at the local

Apothecary�s shop. Three bottles of

Ambrosial nectar, the solution to

(and cause of) the misfortunes of mankind.

But to their great dismay, that very night,

Lady Melinaus opened her maw

And downed the bottles three in hope that she

Might see into the future and divine

The progeny of Patreus� line.

Instead she stumbled, hit her head upon

A chair, and cried out, bawling in her pain.

She went into the bathroom, chanced to find

A cold, wet washcloth. She sat upon the

Rim of a washing basin, paused to rest,

But in her trance she fell back, and did strike

Her shoulder on the faucet, cried in fright,

As rushing waters swept her down the drain,

And into Hades, realm of scholars past.

Her fellow heroes gathered �round the tub

And scratched their heads at what they were to do.

Now only three of seven still remained.

On to the next book...

[title page] [book I] [book II] [book III] [book IV]

[book V] [book VI] [book VII] [book VIII]

[book IX] [book X] [book XI] [book XII]

All text Copyright (C) 2000 by Patrick Littell

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