Athena's Experience
  Dr. Athena Roshar
Athena writes about how she came to be a civilian member of the SGC.
Overall Experience
Athena's views on the many people she's met through the SGC and various missions.
Those loved and lost
A simple list of those who have been killed in action, both from the SGC and allies.

Cast Biographies
Biographies of the actors behind the major characters plus a few of Bethany's favorite.

Contact Me
A simple page where you can find out how to contact the webmistress and Dr. Roshar.

Mission Guide
                          Dr. Athena Roshar's journal of all the missions from year one. (Incomplete)

A list of Bethany's favorite SG-1 sites as well as official and unofficial actor sites.

Not exactly Gateworld but I update with the newest show schedule and major news.

Recreation Center
Gatecon 2002
Bethany's journal of her experience at the convention.
AIM Buddy Icons
                                    SG-1 Buddy Icons...doesn't need much explaining.  If you're confused you either don't have AIM (sorry, you                                          should get it, it's free!) or are new to AIM.  Either way this page is a work in progress, I'm always making                                             more buddy icons!  So if there's one thing you come back for this would be it!
Bethany's Trivia
1.) Dr. Roshar trivia
If you've read through this site thoroughly then you'll do...okay.  :P
2.) Newer fan trivia
If you've seen a few episodes you should get some right easy.
3.) Challenging trivia
Have you seen every least five or six times?!  Then you may get one or two right.
Stargate Maze
My own design.
Gatecon 2002 Crossword
You may like it if you went, if you didn't it's still pretty enlightning.
Greek and Roman Gods Crossword
It's not based on the television show I'm afraid, but rather on real like Greek and Roman mythology.
Egyptian Gods Crossword
Also not based on the show but it may be easier due to the extent Egyptian gods have been discussed on the show.
Puzzle Answers
Stumped?  Here are the answers to all puzzles except the maze...come on mazes aren't that hard!
Site Guide
            The home page where I list updates, have the major site guide and other goodies.
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