
Sabene de Vallass

"Aye, she's a spitfire, that one! Make no mistake, she would as soon gut ye with that pigsticker o'hers than look at ye. Beautiful too, but for that scar on 'er face.. 'Tis cruel to scar one so young and pretty. No wonder she's "mad at all of Theah and getting even one person at a time" as the sayin goes..."

-Sailor onboard the Hurricane:

Sabene's History- Sabene recounts the tragic tale of her past.

Sabene Journal Entry One- Sabene writes her first journal entry and mentions the "little girl" who she has heard in The Fey Queen's Rest.

Sabene Journal Entry Two- Sabene continues to write from The Fey Queen's Rest in Carleon. She mentions Lia almost drowning in the atrium and also mentions meeting a Castillian Swordsmaster.

Sabene Story One- Onboard The Hurricane (one of Berek's ships) enroute to the Thalusian Isles, Sabene is injured during a battle with another ship.

Sabene Story Two- In Carleon, Sabene runs from the town guard and Fellhand after accused of the murder of a Vatacine priest.

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