
Neutral, Positive, and Negative Symbols

When a symbol is neutral (like rocks, or balancing scales, or a wall) its nature is constructive; it assists in the building of systems, and the maintenance of the way of things. Even if a well is poisoned, it remains a well. It lends its qualities to the intention of human actions.

When a symbol is positive it is elemental and emblematic. It stands behind a human character with the force of its own principle and power. The tender shoot rising from the soil, the sturdy staff, lending strength, the shining star giving hope amidst confusion, are all positive signs. Positive signs resist or overcome death. When there are monsters, even swords are positive signs. Colors are emblematic of the variety of positive signs.

Negative signs indicate peril, confusion, terror, death, disease, loss, madness, sin, waste, hopelessness, and the alien, as well as anything that might run contrary to a person's expectations, ambitions, or world-view.

Many negative signs have a functional meta role. For example, while masks may be strange and alien and sometimes resemble skulls, the night is symbolically a kind of mask, which is essential for sleep, love, and regulating human life. Other negative signs serve to curb our interest in activities that are less important to our success and happiness.


More general observations on symbolism later. If you are interested specifically in symbolism relating to literature,
About Writing may be worth a casual visit. I also have a few short stories, and a variety of somewhat intense if maddening poems. For other links, see below.

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Conc. & Abs.
Iterative Philos.
Unity Intro
Occam Dispute
* Nominal Mech.
* Res. Paradox
* Metamorphosis
* Essent. Principa
* Meta-Extension
* Meta Precis
* Symbolism 1
   Symbolism 2
Wisdom Walks
Pragma Temp.
World consists
* Program. Antith
* Body Real Estate
Schizo def
Moral 2d
* Eating Acrobats
* Fork Analogy
* Sloppy Thinking

Book of Indra

Unity Philosophy

Trans Ethics

On Systems

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