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Ray Pang





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Final Fantasy Tactics

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Cloud Sub-quest
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Final Fantasy Tactics

You can get Cloud any time after you defeat Adramelk. To start the quest, go to Goug Machine City, where Besrodio (Mustadio's father) will show you a steel ball he's found. Now go to Goland Coal City, in the center of the map. At the bar in Goland, listen to the rumors "Ghosts of Colliery." You will be asked to fight a monster in the coal mines. Leave the bar. Nothing will happen at first, but go to Lesalia. Ramza will go into the bar and learn more about the coal mine job. He agrees to take it. On the way out, Beowulf will stop you and ask you to take him with you. Agree and he joins you (as a Guest). You should note that Goland Coal City has turned red. 

First, go back into Lesalia and buy Beowulf some better equipment. Then equip Yin-Yang Magic as Beowulf's second ability (he already has a bunch of Yin-Yang spells learned). Then return to Goland, where you'll be forced into entering the Colliery Mines. You have to fight through three floors before you reach the sewers, where the Holy Dragon Reis is being attacked by some demons. You have to save her. Reis and Beowulf then join you, and you get the Aquarius Zodiac Stone. 

Return to Goug. Ramza will put in the Aquarius stone in the steel ball, which transforms into Worker 8. Worker 8 will now join you. On the way out of town, you'll get another scene in which Besrodio puts together another device that also requires a Zodiac Stone. Now go to Zeltennia Castle and into the bar to listen to the "Cursed Island" rumor. This will open up a new path on your map to Nelveska Temple. Buy some Softs before you leave town for the coming battle. Go to Nelveska and you'll be attacked by Worker 7*new. After Worker 7*new goes down, you'll get the Cancer Zodiac Stone.

When you try to leave Nelveska Island, Beowulf will use the Cancer stone to restore the dragon Reis to her normal human form. She will then re-join your party, keeping all her dragon abilities (and getting many new ones). Go all the way back to Goug. Besrodio will power up the weathervane with the Cancer Stone and it will summon Cloud. Cloud, will run off like he usually does, now you have to go all the way to Zarghidas Trade City. Remember when you met Aeris here earlier? Well, she's back, and this time she's being accosted by some thieves. Cloud tries to protect here but it is really you who have to save him from the thieves. Afterwards, Cloud will join you.

 You're still not totally finished with this quest. In order for Cloud to be able to use his limit attacks, you need to find his Materia Blade. Equip the Move-Find Item ability on somebody and go to Bervenia Volcano. Get into a random battle there. During the battle, move your Move-Finder to the very top of the volcano, where you'll discover the Materia Blade. Then finish the battle. Equipping Cloud with the Materia Blade allows him to do Limit attacks. However, Cloud really isn't all that great a character. His Limit Breaks take a long time to charge, and he starts at level 1. But you did get some cool other characters (Beowulf and Worker 8).

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Source, Fritz Fraundorf's Final Fantasy Guide

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