Chocobo's Final Fantasy Haven

Ray Pang





Current Update

Final Fantasy VIII

Guardian Force
Triple Triad Cards
World Map

Final Fantasy VII

Characters 1 
Characters 2 

Final Fantasy Tactics

Deep Dungeon
Cloud Sub-quest
Zodiac Signs


April 25th
Recently I realized that everyone (NFF,FF Hangout, FF Online) are either changing their layout or have changed their layout. Also the fact that my ChocoMog layout is losing to GoD I had to admit that my web designing skills was lacking compared to everyone elses, so I spent one entire day designing this new layout and it will be up very soon. Click Here for a Preview for Site Layout V.3.

Also Chocobo's FF Haven has now over 1000 visitors.... WOW and only just over a month. Thanks for everyone that visited my site.

April 23rd
Sorry about the lack of updates but I have been busy with my new layout, I've also changed my guestbook and I am in the process of changing forum (Message Board) it will be hosted by FF Hangout. I have added the price for the items, it's under the Items section, later I will be adding more to the FF VIII section. You can still vote below.

April 20th
OK kinda finished my layout, please take a look at both of our layout and then vote for the better one in the poll below. By the way this isn't the battle I was talking about early, it's just that I'm trying to figure out the better layout to use.
ChocoMog - Ray : : ChocoMog - GoD

Click Here to Vote

April 19th
Not alot done, I changed the topsites because they seem to be moved somewhere onto another server so I need those votes to get me back up to the top. Thanks. One last thing I thought the web ring on the front page was a bit annoying so I moved it here, I will add the section to my nav. bar soon but not now... too lazy.

April 18th
ChocoMog Vs. FF Hangout, me and FFMania are going to have a battle between our 2 new sites and compare who has the best layout. To make it fair we will have 10 people to rate it out of 100%, 5 chosen by me and 5 chosen by him. We are also going to put both of our sites on a topsite with only are names on and see which one gets the most vote. My layout will be created by me and his one by one of his staff members. Don't worry this is not going to involve a fight... I hope (just joking Rey).

Also I have finished the Items section and the weapon section, so the Items, weapons and the long lost zodiac signs is also up.

And just a final note, I might be updating this site lest often (but only for a week) because I need to design the layout. When it is up and running I need you to vote for me...thanks.

April 17th
Um... sorry but when I updated the Final Fantasy Tactics Section I forgot to add the "Zodiac Signs" section. So I have decided that I will add that section back when I add the Items and weapons section for FF VIII.

April 14th
So I have decided to do myself another website, this site will be called "ChocoMog" and their is currently 3 of us who is working on it. We need more people to help so if you are interested please send me a email, this new site will be based on RPG's and will include reviews, previews and should keep you updated on RPG releases etc. The layout will be even better than this site (as I am working very hard on it). At the moment I have got a news hunter and a reviewer but what I really need is a graphics designer, but this is only a early notice and you can consider joining our staff when we get the site up and running.

I nearly forgot, added the World Map section to FF VIII and replaced the bronze award from Next Final Fantasy with my new silver award!

April 13th
Recently I got a few emails about the java script error, well that is to prevent the adverts from coming up. You either have a java error or read adverts, it's up to you. Anyway I will fix this problem soon as I am going to get myself a domain name. Also the Triple Triad Cards is finished, and I added the wallpaper section that kind of got lost when I designed the new layout.

April 10th
I have got the "Win My Award" section up and running, if you think that your Final Fantasy Related website is worth an award then go and apply for one now. I should reply back very soon, because I have finished the Final Fantasy Tactics section and plan to start the Final Fantasy VII soon, but not right now.

April 9th
I finally finished the Final Fantasy Tactics sections (I think I have, please tell me if I missed any parts out). Also I will be adding a "win my awards" section soon.

April 7th
Sorry about the lack of updates but I've been working on the Final Fantasy Tactics section (60% completed). I should have it all up and running by this Sunday (I hope), and one last thing...another award!

April 2nd
I'm taking a rest after all that work on the layout and working on Final Fantasy Tactics, so expect to see it finished before Final Fantasy VII and VIII. I will add parts of FF7 and FF8 but not major parts, also The Triple Triad section is finished up to Level 7. I also won some more awards!

April 1st
Ummm.....I wonder what I changed to my site??? For those of you that just found my site (what took so long?) it use to look a lot worst than it is now. But after some work (well loads of work, actually) I managed to get something good up and running (almost). Also those of you that are wondering why my site lacks so much in contents, this is because my site has only been running for nearly a month and I have to do all the work myself! on top of that I've been playing around with the layouts as well.

NOTE: I got a beta juke box up but there is a problem so the thing doesn't work...

31st March
Well, one day early than I expected....well no. It's what you call constant pestering to update your site... so here it is so I can test it. I'm still doing a juke box and working on the Triple Triad Page so don't bother going there.

Fan Fiction

The Search For Aeris
Red Fist


Guest Book (View)
Guest Book (Sign)
Message Board
Win My Awards


Music (FF7)
Music (FF8)
Music (FFT)

Email Me:
[email protected]


Picture Source, bglines.gif is from Final Fantasy VIII Shrine

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