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About Us


Name : Wendy Lamar
Nickname : Dee
Date of Birth : 24th of January 1983
Starsign : Aquarius
Eye colour : dark brown
Hair colour : right now it�s black but my real colour is brown
Height : 5ft 6�
Currently living in : Holland
Occupation : student, babysitter
Hobbies : writing stories/ songs/ poems, reading, singing, painting, making websites, shopping
Tolkien fanlevel : read �The Hobbit� and the trilogie several times, tried reading parts of �The Silmarillion� but quit pretty soon, not afraid to admit that I prefer the movie over the books
Fave actor in LOTR : Elijah Wood cuz he�s a great talent (and yes, I DO have a weakness for his looks), but all actors are wonderful and perfectly casted
Fave LOTR character : Sam (you just must love this guy�)
Fave scene from LOTR-FOTR : the firework scene with Merry and Pippin, the stairs towards the Bridge of Khazad-dum because it�s so scary and the boat-scene at the end of the film cuz it makes me cry every goddamn time!
Fave quote from LOTR-FOTR : �It comes in pints?� and �Well, that�s nice, now I�ve got ashes on my tomatoes!� Billy as Pippin cracks me up every time�And one of the most emotional lines �I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise. Don�t you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I don�t mean to. I don�t mean to.�


Name: Daphne LeFay
Nicknames: Daph, Daffy, Black Sorceress
Date of birth: 24th of February 1984
Starsign: Pisces
Hair colour: ginger (red, if you will)
Eye colour: blue
Height: 6ft (Hurrah! Taller than all the Hobbies AND the Elf)
Currently living in: the Netherlands
Occupation: Student, cashier (only after school job, thank god!)
Hobby�s: reading, writing, music, shopping, watching movies
Tolkien fanlevel: read the Hobbit several times, LOTR at least three times, tried Silmarillion
Fave bookcharacter: SAM!!!
Fave actor in LOTR: Can�t say, they�re all good but Orlando�s the fittest! *lol*
Fave scene from LOTR: FOTR: fireworkscene with Merry and Pippin, Arwen&Aragorn on bridge, Sam jumping after Frodo in water!!
Fave quote from LOTR:FOTR: "We�re supposed to stick it in the ground!" "It is in the ground!" "Well outside!" (LOVE that accent!)

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