The Fellowship Of The Ring

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Lord Of The Rings

The Official Movie Site

With the latest news about the best film EVER, the remaining two parts of the trilogy and some cool stuff to download, like amazing screensavers and skins.

The One Ring.Net

The best site about both the books AND the movie. Loads and loads of info about the actors, the film trilogy (including spoilers so watch out!) and other cool stuff like discussions and reviews. Also updated almost daily with the latest news on the actors and the forthcoming parts of the trilogy.

Bag End Inn

Site with the latest news about the actors, the movies and the books. Very frequently updated and has new stuff you can�t find anywhere else.

There And Back Again

The most beautiful site I�ve ever seen! It�s in the form of a storybook with pretty drawings by Alan Lee and other artists. Has all characters neatly orginized by name and species.

Tolkien Online

Has huge amounts of spoilers for �The Two Towers� and �Return of the King�. Very neatly organized with new pics of the forthcoming movies and all other stuff you ever wanted to know about the books and the Master himself: J.R.R. Tolkien.

The Lord of the Rings Costumes Index

Do you want to make your own LOTR costumes, jewellery, Fellowship brooch? Come take a look here. It�s a lot of fun with some incredibly good ideas!

Quintessential Websites/LOTR movie pics

All pics of the LOTR movies. I always go here for the pics on our site. It also has the Decipher Cards online, which is great.

A Dutch LOTR site with loads of info and fanmeetings. Pretty cool if you�re from Holland or Belgium. Unfortunately this site in only in Dutch and not understandable for people who don�t speak the language.

Elijah Wood

Elijah Wood-Always and Forever

The best Elijah site on the web! It has frequent news-updates, wonderful interviews and piles of pictures to drool over! Couldn�t wish for a cooler site!

Elijah�s Endeavors

Focusses on the movies and talent of the actor and not so much on his looks, which is a nice change. A bit more serious but with news and pics nonetheless.

Bright Eyes

The title tells all, right? A pretty cool site with a nice lay-out and all the important stuff. Is updated regulary, so that�s a good thing.

Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom Central

Pretty site with all the latest news you wanna know about Orli and loads of pics. Updated as soon as there�s something new to say about our favorite Elf.

Dominic Monaghan

The Big One!

Absolutely wonderful Dom site with loads of pics, interviews and all the rest you need to know. This is also one of the few sites on the web left that is actually updating pretty often. Definitely worth a visit or two, three, four..!

The Unofficial Dominic Monaghan Site

It is an unofficial site but Dom helps with the info appearing on the site himself! A very nice and fast site with all the info you need on Dominic, his past and upcoming projects and v. funny interviews!

Lost and Blown Away

Sweet little Dom site which focusses on Dom�s past carreer.

Billy Boyd


This is Billy�s official site and one of the greatest I�ve seen. It has a majorly funny diary written by the man himself plus everything else you wanna know. Organizes chats with other fans so you�ll probably be able to find one of us there someday!

Fan Fiction

Elijah Wood Fan Fiction

The only site on the web containing Elijah fics. Has some nice stories on it (some are a bit soppy so be warned!) but I wish it was updated a bit more. Is worth a visit, though.

Holly's Fiction

The author of our hosted fic 'Dirty' has her own site. Mostly about Elijah but the other lads make very nice guest-appearances.


Has got ALL the LOTR fics you want. From alternative endings, poems, �lost chapters� and even parodies, so you�ll probably be able to find here what you�re looking for. It�s a shame though they took all actors fiction off�

Lady Arcorna�s Fiction

Fan fiction about the Lord of the Rings actors, mainly about Elijah.

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