r    e    f    l    e    c    t    i    o    n
                                                                                 on art2

Wondering and wondering about the complexity of human emotions:
their origins, their processes, their contradictions,
and their place within time and space.

To me,
art is a way to try
to recognize and to understand the origin of
our unnamed mixture of emotions --rejected emotions that
unconsciously affect our daily actions
by re-feeling them in their intensity.

Digging deep into emotional memories
by using metaphors in medium, forms, colours,
gestures, textures, settings, movements, and space,
I even hope that my works will trigger myself and others,
to wander further for hidden, more substantial matters,
inside myself, inside themselves.

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on life

poetry                               reflection                               short story
WanderingMind      RestlessSoul      IdleDreams

krisis - reflection - onArt - onLife - poetry - shortstory - semeru - fullmooncafes - fancynites
collaborativeplay - selfportraits - illustration&graphic - my favorite things - gifts

Original Writings, Images & Design Copy Rights by Lie Fhung the FreeFire, 1994,1996,1997,1998

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