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~~ Cinema ~~

This page is about various films that I enjoy. Its also a growing collection of links to cult cinema pages and other movie sites.

The Wedding Singer, The Crow, The Hunger, Titanic, Untamed Heart, Dumb and Dumber, Final Destination, Toy Story, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Vertigo, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Never Ending Story, Lost Highway, Edward Scissorhands, Scream, 50 First Dates, American Pie, Charlie's Angels, Bound, Fight Club, Showgirls, The Bride Of Chucky, Revenge of the Nerds, Ace Ventura, Sleepy Hollow, The Craft, The Princess Bride, Jawbreaker, American History X, 28 Days Later, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, The Shining, Signs, Pet Sematary, Princess Mononoke, Ghost World, American Beauty, The Truth About Cats And Dogs, Desperately Seeking Susan, The Shawshank Redemption, Truth or Dare, Underworld, Lord of the Rings, Ghost, Girl Interrupted, Meet the Parents, The Good Son, Halloween, The Vanishing, The Bride of Frankenstein, Identity, Memento, Psycho, Pulp Fiction, Interview With The Vampire, Queen of the Damned, Sliding Doors, Poltergeist, Labyrinth, The Land Before Time, The Matrix, Mad Love, Boys On The Side, Ever After, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Alladin, Not Another Teen Movie, What Lies Beneath, Scary Movie, Return of the Living Dead, Panic Room, Sleepwalkers, Red Dragon, Shallow Grave, The Crush, Strangeland, Single White Female, Welcome To The Dollhouse, House, The Running Man, Just You and Me Kid, Whats Love Got To Do With It, Wild Things, Threesome, Stigmata, 10 Things I Hate About You, The Truman Show, Up In Smoke, Vanilla Sky, etc...

Links :

The Internet Movie Database - I can get easily lost in this site. It contains all the trivia you could ever want for ANY film ever made! It has a search where you can find tons of info and links pertaining to all aspects the film! With an actor, you can access bio info for them, filmography, etc. Its a good way to find new films to watch by favourite directors or actors.

Cult Movies - This site has SOOO many listings and reviews to cool movies. Very complete!

Bad Movies - Dozens of reviews, photos, lots of sound files, and video clips from "some of the finest B-movies ever to disgrace film," in their words.

Classic Movies - This site has tons of links to cult movies, b-movies, actors and actresses, databases, etc. It'll keep any film fan busy for hours!

Silent Era - This site is dedicated to the golden films and actors/actresses of the silent era.

Film Site - This site has links to all of the "greatest films lists" online. Its got a TON of stuff! - This site contains movie times for theatres all over the US, as well as trailers for all of the new theatre movies.

Movie Pie - This site was recommended to me by Sandra, who is a major film head. It has lots of reviews, recommendations, links for a ton of newer movies. It also has a forum for movie fans to chat in.

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