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If you're able to read this entire page, then I commend you for having such a strong stomach. This spot will be a growing list of the serial killers that I have studied, with links and brief descriptions of their sick crimes... I will also add links to various sites that I find interesting... I will be adding more to the site as i dive deeper into this extremely fascinating subject...

John Wayne Gacy - he is the first serial killer that i researched, and is still the most intriguing to me. he murdered nearly 35 boys in the 1970s. he used to get boys from the age of 15-20 into "magic handcuffs" by posing as 'pogo the clown'. he would then rape, sodomize, and strangle them to death. sometimes with rope. sometimes with boards... he would keep the bodies under his bed and in his bathtub for DAYS after their murder... when he was done with them, he would bury them in the crawlspace of his house or under his garage... this guy was a sick fuck!!

Ed Gein - he is next in line for me as far as fascination level. the character "buffalo bill" in silence of the lambs was based after him, as was normal bates from psycho, and the texas chainsaw massacre movies... he used to murder women and make skin suits with their body parts. he would wear their genitalia and breasts on his own body, to feel more like a woman. he would hang bodies from the beams in his ceilings. when police investigated in his house, they found lampshades, an armchair, and a waste basket made of human skin. they found female genitalia that he kept preserved in a shoebox, a belt made of nipples, a human head, four noses and a heart... this man is most definitely rotting in hell right now!

Albert Fish - this guy was a sick predecessor of ed gein. he killed his victims in the early 1900s. he used to travel from state to state and commit perverted acts on children. he would mutilate and tortured them, before he decided to eat their body parts. he read the bible, and said that godlike voices in his head told him to kill. he also used to stick needles and pins under his fingernails and in his genitalia. often times, the needles would stay inside of his body. when they went to execute him (ironically on my birth date), they had to do it twice, because the electric chair short circuited because of all the metal in his body.

Jeffrey Dahmer - a maniac of our time... his first arrests were made for fondling children (boys) and exposing himself in public. though his crimes became much more sinister as he carried on... when he was finally arrested and his house was searched, the police discovered photos of dismembered bodies, a head in the refrigerator, a kettle on the stove full of hands and male genitalia, a heart in the fridge with the words 'to eat later' carved in it and the list goes on. he ended up being murdered while in prison, by another inmate. they found him dead with a pole stuck in his head through his eyesocket!

Ted Bundy - he took the lives of somewhere between 25-40 female victims. he preyed on the same type of girl every time. he liked brown hair, just past the shoulders, and parted in the middle, which many girls had in the 70s. he would kidnap and sexually violate them and strangle them to death at the same time. one of his victims was found dead with her nipples nearly all the way bit off. he made his way across the us terrorizing happy places randomly, before finally being caught in florida.

Other Serial Killer Links:

The A-Z Serial Killers Guide
Seize The Night
A Necrophiliacs Guide
Images of Gacy/Pogo The Clown
Images of Ed Gain and his "work"
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