James and Dolley: Opposites Attract

A play in two acts

The marriage of James Madison and Dolley Payne Todd is a rich story of the growth of the United States. Portraying in person within the limits of a play is a challenge to any writer today.

Kyle Jenks has done just that in his two-act play "James and Dolley: Opposites Attract. Mr. Jenks has chosen to focus on their life from their marriage in 1794 through the end of his presidency when Col. James Monroe took the oath of office on March 4, 1817.

First performed in the summer of 2017 with Judith Kaloara as Mrs. Madison and Mr. Jenks as President Madison, the play deftly portrays the Madisons not only as Founding Parents of the United States, but as individuals who cared deeply for one another.

You can view short scenes from the play which is posted on YouTube using the "play button" in the image above.