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KJV. Bible  John 10:10. 

    The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.



The devil is going to kill you. The devil is real. He is not a make believe story book creature that Grimm made up for a reading book. The devil is real. He has come to seek you, He has come to kill you , He has come to destroy you. I have seen men caught up in the drug alcohol and sex crazed world to the point of no return. The devil makes people loose the love for life. That is his soul purpose to make you think everything is alright, then he destroys you. These last days he is trying to take everyone with him to hell when he goes. You see he knows his destiny and he is trying to make yours the same.



 But Jesus will give you more abundant life. He will reach down into the bottom of the pit to pull you out. I know for a fact he pulled me out of the bottom of a deep pit. He will go to the end of the rope and fall so you might live. He already did.


Jesus is going to return. I am not going to make a stand on if it will be before, during, or after tribulation, cause that dose not matter. The fact that really matters that all Christians will agree on is Jesus is going to return. I feel it will be soon. The real question is.


Are you ready to meet Jesus ?



II pray that the holy spirit will guide you to all truth in time for your salvation.  If you are not saved and want to be click here. If you need spiritual guidance e- mail me and I will get back to you as soon as possible usually within forty eight hours.




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