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Military Ranks


Season 3

Aired in 1997 and 1998.

Main Characters:

Lt. Commander Harmon "Harm" Rabb, Jr.
Major Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie
Lieutenant(J.G.) Bud Roberts
Admiral A.J. Chedwiggen(the Judge Advocate General)
Ensign Harriet Simms
Other Recurring Characters

Warning: There may be spoilers in the following descriptions, although I have tried to avoid them.

3.1 Ghost Ship
Guest Stars

Harm and Mac discover, while investigating skeletons on an abandoned "ghost ship", that Harm's father was captured by the Soviets and may be alive in Russia.

3.2 The Court-Martial of Sandra Gilbert
Guest Stars

Lt. Gilbert, the Navy's top female heliocopter pilot, is accused of fraternization. To make things worse, Congresswoman Bobbi Latham and the media attempt to turn the court-martial into a scandal and to use it to further Congresswoman Latham's career. Harm must defend Gilbert in this explosive case. This is Latham's first of many appearences.

3.3 The Good of the Service
Guest Stars

Harm and Mac prosecute a Lt. Colonel accused of causing civilian deaths in Haiti while rescuing his men. Even as the case begins to bring in large amounts of media publicity, Harm and Mac discover that they must go up against their own commanding officer, Admiral Chegwidden, in court.

3.4 Blind Side
Guest Stars

When a Tomcat crashes and kills two civilians, Harm investigates. Although the pilot and Harm's old flight instructor both claim it was due to an unfavorable downdraft, Harm continues to dig deeper.

3.5 King of the Fleas
Guest Stars

A former POW from Vietnam, Roscoe Martin, kills a man, then goes to JAG Headquarters to confess to a murder committed 30 years ago. Harm's loyalty in his father begins to weaken as the POW accuses his father of betrayal.

3.6 Vanished
Guest Stars

A Tomcat disappears over the Bermuda Triangle, causing Harm and Bud to try to unravel the mystery. Was it supernatural, or was it caused by man?

3.7 Against All Enemies
Guest Stars

An F-18 shoots down a North Korean civilian aircraft accidently, creating an international incident. Harm, Mac, and Bud are sent to get to the bottom of it, but the answers keeps getting farther away and the situation gets more and more explosive.

3.8 Above and Beyond
Guest Stars

When a Lieutenant is nominated for the Medal of Honor after single-handedly saving the Undersecretary of State, Harm, Mac, and Bud are assigned his background check. Is the Lieutenant a glory-monger or is he a true hero?

3.9 Impact
Guest Stars

Harm and Bud investigate a helicopter crash that was supposedly caused by aliens. Abruptly pulled off the case, Harm suspects a cover-up. Attempting to find the truth, he infiltrates the Bradenhurst Corporation. Meanwhile, Mac accepts a lucrative offer from a civilian law firm, resigning from the Marines.

3.10 People vs. Rabb
Guest Stars

A Russian mobster offers Harm information about his father. When the mobster is murdered with all the evidence seeming to accuse Harm, he becomes the prime suspect. After his JAG-appointed lawyer insists he plead guilty, Harm fires her and hires a civilian...Mac. Mac, finishing his case, asks the Admiral to withdraw her resignation.

3.11 Defenseless
Guest Stars

When an Ensign shoots a Turkish diplomat, supposedly in self-defense, Harm represents her in court. Mac and Harm try to put together what really happened.

3.12 Someone to Watch Over Annie

Guest Stars

When Lt. Pendry's(a dead friend of Harm's) son, Josh Pendry, witnesses a murder, his mother, Annie, asks Harm to help them. Soon, it becomes apparent that the murderers intend to silence Josh.

3.13 With Intent to Die
Guest Stars

When Admiral Chegwidden's former mentor dies on a hunting trip, it is ruled a suicide. Chegwidden cannot accept this, so he orders Harm and Mac to investigate. Annie appears again in this episode and the Admiral is reveiled to have a daughter, Francesca.

3.14 Father's Day
Guest Stars

A Corporal accused of dereliction of duty is defended by Harm who claims the Corporal was distracted by his custody battle for his son.

3.15 Yesterday's Heroes
Guest Stars

When the yacht of a suspected drug lord sinks after a Navy frigate fires a warning shot at it, Harm, Mac, and Bud try to figure out what happened. Meanwhile, Bud meets his future in-laws.

3.16 Chains of Command
Guest Stars

A female Petty Officer files sexual harrassment charges against a Master Chief, causing Harm and Bud to go head-to-head against Dalton Lowne, Mac's boyfriend. Mac is shocked to discover that Lowne has been using information from her private files to suppliment his own case. She promptly dumps him.

3.17 The Stalker
Guest Stars

Mac is being stalked, and all signs seem to point to her ex-boyfriend, Dalton Lowne. Harm tries to juggle a difficult client, Mac's stalker, Mac falling off the water wagon, and the Admiral's daughter, Francesca.

3.18 Tiger, Tiger
Guest Stars

The Navy has it's annual cruise, called the "tiger" cruise, in which Navy personnel and their children are allowed to come along. Harm, without Annie's knowledge, brings along her son Josh. When the ship is hijacked by Cuban terrorists attempting to kill Castro, Harm and Josh team up to win the ship back. However, Harm loses with Annie for encouraging Josh to lie to her. This was the end of Harm and Annie's romance.

3.19 Death Watch
Guest Stars

A very serious love interest of Harm's, Lieutenant Diane Schnoke(played by the same actress that played Mac), was murdered two years ago. Harm has discovered who murdered her and leaves to kill the killer. Can Mac stop him in time? This episode is based on an unaired 1st season episode, meant to be the finale of the 1st season. It changes the story slightly, but uses the footage from the 1st season episode, Skeleton Crew.

3.20 The Imposter
Guest Stars

A renegade agent takes Harm hostage and, being a master of disguise, impersenates Harm in an attempt to assassinate a key witness and place the blame on Harm.

3.21 The Return of Jimmy Blackhorse
Guest Stars

When the remains of a WW2 Navajo Code Talker are discovered, the military decides that it is Jimmy Blackhorse. However, the Navajos say it is someone else, although they refuse to allow the government to use DNA testing, as it is against their tribal customs.

3.22 Clipped Wings
Guest Stars

A F-14 collides with a sightseeing helicopter in Italy, killing all six civilians on board. When the Italians raise a fuss, threatening to expel the American diplomats, Harm is assigned to defend and Mac to prosecute. To mix things up even worse, both Congresswoman Bobbi Latham and the Admiral's daughter take an interest in the case.

3.23 Wedding Bell Blues
Guest Stars

On Bud and Harriet's wedding day, everything seems to go wrong: Harm's dress whites end up lost, Bud's father makes a lousy impression, and three important JAGs end up in jail...you'll never guess who!

3.24 To Russia, With Love(Part 1 of 2)
Guest Stars

Seeing a picture of his father who appears to be somewhere in Russia, years after he was presumed dead, Harm and Mac travel to Russia to try to discover his father's fate. This was resolved in Season 4.

Season 1, Season 2, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Season 8, Season 9

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