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Character Biographies

Military Terms

Military Ranks


Aired 2001-2002.

Main Characters:

Commander Harmon "Harm" Rabb, Jr.
Lieutenant Colonel Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie
Lieutenant Bud Roberts
Admiral A.J. Chedwiggen
(the Judge Advocate General)
Lietenant Harriet Sims
Lieutenant Loren Singer
Commander Sturgis Turner
Other Recurring Characters

Warning: There may be spoilers in the following descriptions, although I have tried to avoid them.


7.1 Adrift(Part 2 of 2)
Guest Stars

Harm, downed in the middle of a storm, must fight for his life. Meanwhile, Mac and Mic have to make a decision about their wedding.

7.2 New Gun in Town
Guest Stars

As Mac transfers out of JAG Headquarters to the USS Guadacanal, Commander Sturgis Turner, who was a good friend of Harm's during the Academy, comes to work at JAG Headquarters.

7.3 Measure of Men
Guest Stars

Mac, aboard the USS Guadacanal, is called upon to prosecute a Major accused of negligent homicide. When Harm turns up to defend the Major, he tries to work things out with Mac. Also, Admiral Chegwidden tries to deal with his runaway god-daughter.

7.4 Guilt
Guest Stars

When a Marine accused of rape is transfered to the Indonesian consulate, Mac finds herself in charge as an angry crowd kills the Marine commander and blinds his second-in-command. Meanwhile, at JAG HQ, a Navy SEAL is accused of manslaughter. Harm and Singer go head to head in the courtroom, even though they're on the same side.

7.5 Mixed Messages
Guest Stars

The Naval Annex building is broken into and some people murdered. The chief suspect is one Harm's friends, but Harm's attempts to remove suspicion from him are constantly thwarted.

7.6 Redemption
Guest Stars

Harm, while defending a friend, discovers that his friend is guilty of a completely different crime. However, he cannot legally tell anyone, due to client-attorney confidentiality. At the same time, Mac is trying to figure out how to remove an abused child from the abusive father.

7.7 Ambush
Guest Stars

A Marine officer is accused of disobeying orders by following rebels who attacked a convoy. However, he claims that he was ordered to do so. As Harm invesitgates, he discovers disturbing facts...

7.8 JAGathon
Guest Stars

The JAG office becomes filled with rivalry when the office enters a charity marathon.

7.9 Dog Robber(Part 1 of 2)
Guest Stars

When a spy plane goes down over China, Harm is sent to recover it and its crew. However, after freeing the crew, things start getting out of hand.

7.10 Dog Robber(Part 2 of 2)
Guest Stars

The Lieutenant who blew up the spy plane that went down over China is accused of disobeying orders. As Harm defends him, he finds himself up against Sturgis. Mac investigates the case of a Colonel accused of sexual harrassment. The Colonel apparently leaked a tape, to a Military Bloopers TV show, of a Marine training.

7.11 Answered Prayers
Guest Stars

(A JAG Christmas Episodes) Over Christmas break, Harm ends up escorting a female Petty Officer, Coates, who is supposed to be in the brig, but the brigs are closed for the holidays. The rest of the JAG office isn't exactly lucky either...

7.12 Capital Crimes(aka Mystery)
Guest Stars

Mac starts having psychic visions again, leading to an international puzzle being assembled from an apparently simple murder.

7.13 Code of Conduct
Guest Stars

A Navy SEAL is accused of disobeying orders when he returns to a combat zone to rescue another SEAL, resulting in the death of yet another SEAL who was accompanying him.

7.14 Odd Man Out
Guest Stars

A Navy medical corpsman is accused of the murder of a Marine Seargant during training. Harm and Mac end up on opposite sides of the case and Bud serves on the jury.

7.15 Head to Toe
Guest Stars

When a Marine woman refuses to wear the required Muslim veil and total body cover during a recreation period, Harm and Mac end up defending her in court.

7.16 The Mission(Part 1 of 2)
Guest Stars

The 150th Episode. A JAG officer hesitates long enough to let some Taliban get away, prompting Harm and Mac to be sent to give out the new Rules of Engagement. While Harm is there, he leaves on a bombing mission over Afghanistan, but everything doesn't go as planned. Bud, staying up late with his son AJ and researching his case, falls asleep in court while trying to defend a client.

7.17 Exculpatory Evidence(Part 2 of 2)
Guest Stars

Bud, who fell asleep in court, is prosecuted for criminal deriliction of duty. Harm is his defense, while Singer goes on the war-path against him.

7.18 Hero Worship
Guest Stars

After a fire starts on a destroyer, a young sailor is implicated. However, Harm begins to suspect that the sailor is protecting a hero of his. Admiral Chegwidden helps the White House host Medal of Honor recepients on the condition that he can look into the case of on recepient who wasn't invited due to shoplifting charges.

7.19 First Casualty
Guest Stars

A SEAL mission is forced to be aborted, and it appears that a TV reporter who accompanyed the SEALs caused the abortion. Meanwhile, Bud receives active duty onboard a ship.

7.20 Port Chicago
Guest Stars

A survivor of the 1944 Port Chicago disaster attempts to get his record and the records of the other survivors cleared of the accusation of mutiny. Harriet goes house shopping with Harm.

7.21 Tribunal
Guest Stars

In a military tribunal about the 9/11 attacks, Harm and Mac prosecute a suspected member of the Al Qaeda who supposedly was instrumental in planning the 9/11 attacks.

7.22 Defending His Honor
Guest Stars

Harm has to defend a JAG judge who is accused of causing a car accident that killed a six-month-old kid. However, the judge isn't exactly helpful and Mac has to prosecute.

7.23 In Country
Guest Stars

When an attempted attack on the Al Qaeda kills three supposed civilians, Harm and Mac try to figure out what really happened. But matters soon grow even more complicated...

7.24 Enemy Below(1 of 2)
Guest Stars

An Al Qaeda member plots a submarine attack on a US fleet. Trying to stop him, Harm takes to the plane, Mac to the ship, and their friend, Turner, to the submarine. Meanwhile, Bud and Petty Officer Coates fly out to an Afghan village school that has been bombed by Americans. After he promises that a new school will be built, Bud attempts to rescue a child from a minefield...

Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 8, Season 9

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