- November 85271


Title: "Solaris Rising"
Cover Price: $2.95


Writer: Grant Morrison
Penciller: Val Semeiks
Inker: Prentis Rollins
Colourist: Pat Garrahy
Separations: Heroic Age
Letter: Kenny Lopez
Associate Editor: Tony Bedard
Editor: Dan Raspler

Cover Art: Semeiks / Rollins
Digital Cover Background: Pat Garrahy


"Solaris' master plan reaches its evil masterstroke as the Justice Legion A heroes realize that the only way to save our world is to give Solaris, the Tyrant Sun, exactly what it wants! With time running out for the human race and chaos raging across the planet, the heroes of the future risk all in a desperate gamble!"



HREF="javascript:profile('bigbarda.html');">Big Barda, Huntress II, Martian Manhunter, Oracle, Plastic Man, Steel III, Zauriel





Neither Orion nor the founding members (bar J'onn J'onzz) appear in this story..

Things to watch out for: Plastic Man using his nose as a screwdriver.

Ray Palmer refers to the Cadmus Project on page six. Neither he or Oracle would have known of its existence until SUPERBOY #1,00,000 when it was revealed the Cadmus used the Hourman Virus as a good public relations moment to expose their existence and their work on the Virus.

The incendiary arrow that Vandal Savage uses against the Martian Manhunter's team is the one that Arsenal dropped in DC ONE MILLION #1, page 30, panel 2.

Analysis of Solaris (I'm an astrophysicist so I couldn't resist this): From the various "technobabble statements" made through out the issue we can begin to draw some form of idea about the technology and capabilities involved.

1) If Solaris is truly a star then it must be assumed that he has a possible maximum mass comparable to that of out own Sun. However the existence of Tesseract technology allows him to store the majority of his mass (in the form of ionic/atomic hydrogen) outside of this dimension. This and graviton screen technologies then allows him to interact within a normal planetary environment. It should be noted a measure of his technology and power is that his potential mass contained within his normal radius is significantly greater than that needed for the formation of a Black Hole.

2) Energy Generation. Even as a moderate star Solaris would process vast quantities of proton-proton fusion just to maintain in pressure-gravitational balance, but as an "artificial star" he does not process this need. Therefore he can control the fusion rate via his internal engineering, it could be theorised that the waste produces of the fusion process are vented to create his corona. The larger his power output the greater the size of this corona as seen in his attack on 853rd century Earth in DC ONE MILLION #3.

3) The temperature quoted to activate Solaris is 15 million Kelvin. This roughly corresponds to the core temperature of the sun and is that temperature necessary for proton-proton fusion to occur.

Time paradox time: Solaris sent the Hourman Virus back in time to create himself. At no stage does an agent outside of the time loop create the Solaris Software base. Therefore its a completely 100% or 0% probability of Solaris existing. There is no small maybe he will exist or maybe he won't exist, he's a fully circular time paradox - he either exists or he doesn't. NB Solaris is actually the name of one form of the UNIX operating system used by SUN - currently Solaris 2.6 is spreading across thousands of research machines.

Expect to see: Solaris versus the Sun Eater at a constellation near you!


With hours remaining until the Hourman Virus wipes out human civilisation the Justice Legion and the non-founding members of the Justice League race to complete the construction of the sentient sun Solaris. Tempers are heated all round as the Virus takes its toll on the Legion who were some of the first to be exposed. Meanwhile the rest of world rushes with their own attempts to unravel the nature of the Virus. The Atom and Oracle manage to crack the virus but the shear task of creating an antidote and distributing it makes their solution impractical in the time left.

Unaffected by the Virus the Martian Manhunter leads the freed heroes who were in the Rocket Red missiles against Vandal Savage. Savage had unearthed several "Blitz-Engines" created by Hitler for him. While powerful in their day they are no match for the Manhunter who trashes them on his own. Blinded in one eye by back fire from his own weapons, Savage manages to elude the heroes and escape to plan for another day.

Back in the JLA Watchtower the construction of Solaris is completed. When activated it begins drawing the Hourman Virus out of the machines and people of Earth and into itself. It turns out that the Hourman Virus was actually the core programming for Solaris' intelligence and his future self sent it into the past to ensure his own creation. A by product to Solaris genesis is that his plasma generators will quickly flush and create a red dwarf like photosphere that will destroy the Earth. To stop this the future Starman M* sacrifices his life to create a singularity at the heart of Solaris transporting the Tyrant Sun into the gulf between galaxies.

Still stranded in the twentieth century the Justice Legion begin to worry over how to stop the future Solaris and rescue the Justice League. They try and convince the remaining Leaguers that their team-mates are probably dead. However the Huntress has a plan.


"The celebrity look-a-likes from the future are getting those serial killer eyes again." - Plastic Man

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