


About The Author


Hi! My name is JCEM. I am always asked what those letters stand for. They are for each member of my family. I am the "C", for Cindy. My family is comprised of myself, my husband, and our two beautiful daughters.

A little about me: you can tell some of the things I like by my website! I love cats, all domestic ones, but also the big cats! Especially lions. I have been known to stand by the lion exhibit in zoos for over an hour, because the lion kept roaring! Awesome!
Click here to hear an awesome lion roar!

I also love the music of Barry Manilow. I tend to like the ones that people get picked on for liking (re: Michael Bolton). I do also like Phil Collins, Elton John, and Cher.

My favorite color is yellow, complimented by a bright blue. My favorite flower is the yellow rose, but I also love daffodils and forget-me-nots. My favorite food is popcorn. I am a popcorn freak! :-) Cooked in a little oil, no salt or butter.

Some hobbies I have other than being online, are reading Danielle Steel novels, and making plastic canvas crafts. I don't seem to get to these other hobbies as often anymore. Hmmm...I wonder why? :-)

A little history on this webpage: In 1997, my husband was still in the Air Force, and got sent on a remote tour to Korea. The girls and I were left at our then-current home near Phoenix, Arizona. A friend of ours used to let us come over once a week, so that we could e-mail. I used to write very long e-mails! :-) We decided that was not going to hack it. My husband had heard of WebTV, and told me to go to our Base Exchange and check it out. I did; they had it. The salesperson, Ryan, even owned one, and told me his e-mail, and answered lots of my questions. He told me about GeoCities--I said that no way was I thinking of building a webpage, I just wanted the machine to e-mail my husband! This was August 31, 1997. I took the machine home, and besides e-mailing my husband constantly, I got hooked! By October of 1997, I had a small idea for a page, and signed up with GeoCities. Since then, not only has my "small idea" grown tremendously, but in September of 1998, I became a GeoCities Community Leader, so that I could help others, especially WebTV'ers, create their "small ideas" online. In July of 1998, we also bought a computer. Hubby wanted one for years, and, though he liked the WebTV, he wanted to be able to do some things that it just couldn't do. So now we have two experts in the house--hubby on the computer, and me on my WebTV! I'm convinced the computer doesn't like me anyway, as it always crashes or something goes wrong, only on my profile, and only when Hubby isn't home! :-) I still remain very loyal to my WebTV--it helped me through a horrible time period while my husband was overseas.

August's Child
Yes, I am a Leo :-)

August Angel
Verchiel, Leo's angel

Counter Added 8 April 1999



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