Happy Birthday!

Heartland Valley turned one year old in
January 1999!

As a Community Leader in Heartland Valley, I created this page in celebration of
Valley's first birthday.

Happy Birthday Valley
From white--tiger--Valley CL

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Would you like to do a few things to show your Valley Spirit??
Here are some ideas...

Get a Personalized Graphic!
If you would like a personalized graphic like the one above to display on your site, white--tiger has graciously agreed to make you one! Go here and fill out her form!

Join the New Valley Webring!
***See Mine Below!***
Some of our Valley Community Leaders have created a webring just for Valley homesteaders and CL's! Join Journey Through Happy Valley !

Show your Valley Pride!
Are you Proud To Live in Heartland Valley?? Let EVERYONE know by displaying this graphic on your site!

Proud to live in Heartland Valley
Graphic courtesy of stumacsu

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Valley Birthday Reveler
to visit this page!

Visit More Birthday Pages!

Stu's Valley Birthday
Carrie's Happy Birthday Valley
Soupy's The Valley Birthday
Christina's Valley Birthday
Gazali Sacred Birman's Birthday Heartland Valley

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News Page | Cat Page | Cat Webrings | Soaps Page | ATWT Page | GL Page | Barry Page | Tribute to My Brother | Gifts (Dream Girls) | LOTH Gifts | Bunny Buddy �99 Gifts | Community Leader Gifts | Miscellaneous Gifts | Thanksgiving Gifts | Christmas Gifts | My Awards | About The Author | Webrings | Thank You Page 1 | Thank You Page 2

Geo Help Intro Page | Geo Help Page | Geo Help Links | WebTV Help Page | WebTV Tools Tutorial | Help Request Form | My CL Award Winners | Valley's 1st Birthday

graphics by Lisa

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