LighthouseGuiding Light

I started watching Guiding Light over 20 years ago. It appealed to me for several reasons--their sense of family, the cute actors(!), their use of flashbacks to tie stories together, even though the actors in them may no longer be on the show. I've stuck with GL over the years, even when the story-lines seemed a little odd (the Reva-ghost??).

This page will change, based on what I feel should be here at the moment! It may be just my ramblings, so beware!


I am horribly saddened to announce the passing of Michael Zaslow on December 6th, 1998. I am leaving the links to USMZ and Ride For Life, so that others may be aware, and help to reach Michael's goal of "A Cure by 2000". Michael, you will be missed.

Michael Zaslow
Michael Zaslow
November 1, 1944 - December 6, 1998

Click picture for Bio


I have become involved in USMZ (which stands for United in Support of Michael Zaslow), a site originally started to support Michael Zaslow when he was on "sabbatical" from Guiding Light. It was discovered that he was not actually on sabbatical, this was just Proctor & Gamble's excuse for his not appearing on the show. In actuality, Michael had been experiencing unexplained symptoms, mainly slurred speech. He was let go from the show, because it was decided that his character, Roger Thorpe, needed to be played by an actor with no disabilities. After several months, Michael finally discovered the reason for his slurred speech--he had ALS. USMZ's mission then became to support Michael in his desire to find a cure for ALS. I've supported them by helping to make ribbons to be distributed to raise awareness for ALS. Please visit their site for more information on Michael, and to find out what you can do to help.


Michael Zaslow, who played Roger Thorpe for many years on Guiding Light, was recently diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. Michael has been involved in various things to help increase awareness of this horrible disease. One of these was to participate in the send-off for Christopher Pendergast and his Ride For Life.

Christopher Pendergast is an elementary teacher in Long Island, NY, who was diagnosed with ALS over 4 years ago. To raise money for research, and to increase awareness for ALS, Christopher rode his electric disability scooter from Yankee Stadium, home of Lou Gehrig, to Washington D.C., this past May. His trip of over 300 miles took 13 days.

Michael participated in the send-off event at Yankee Stadium to encourage and support Mr. Pendergast. Visit the site below for coverage of the entire 1998 Ride for Life. Michael is also listed on the site under "PALS profiles". The site also includes lots of info on the fight against ALS.

Ride for Life

Michael has also teamed up with Brynn Thayer (ex-Jenny, OLTL), and Robin Strasser (Dorian, OLTL), to form ZazAngels. Their goal is to achieve victory over ALS by finding a CURE BY 2000. Please visit the ZazAngels site, linked below, to find out what you can do to help.



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