Weekend In New England--Barry Manilow

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My Story

One day when I was 10 years old and in the fifth grade, I heard a song on the radio that I just fell in love with. I had to find out the name of the song and the artist who sang it. I don't believe I found out right away, but I heard the song again, and finally got my information. The song was "Weekend in New England". The artist was Barry Manilow.

Barry Pic
(picture used with permission)

That day 22 years ago was just the beginning. After "Weekend in New England", I fell in love with almost every Barry Manilow song I ever heard. Barry has done different kinds of music: jazz, blues, showtunes, ballads, etc. I like it all. Sure, some more than others, but I really think all of it is beautiful. Barry puts so much feeling into every song he does. He also has such respect for his fans. He is so grateful for us, and it shows. He seems to get so much satisfaction from our applause.

I have endured my share of Barry jokes in this relationship. A Barry fan is a loyal fan. We endure much teasing from other people. It's just not "cool" to like Barry Manilow! But I wonder...why are so many concerts sold out? Why is this man still around when so many other artists have come and gone? There must be something about him or he wouldn't still be going so strong.

I managed to marry a man who falls into the "people who pick on Barry and anyone who likes him" category. I take it in stride; nothing will deter me from remaining a loyal fan, and he knows it! His mother, I found out after we were married, is also a Barry fan! She even dragged my husband to some concerts when he was younger! This rather annoyed me...here was my husband, a non-Barry fan, who had already been to concerts. I was wondering if I'd ever make just one! Oh, it's not that I didn't try. Things just didn't seem to work out.

The first missed concert came when I was in high school. I had a friend who was going with her aunt. She wasn't a fan, either! She thought he was "all right". I didn't drive yet, and couldn't afford the ticket anyway. She brought a souvenir book for me to see...

The second missed concert happened after I was married. Barry was playing in the town I lived in. He'd never been so close! I, unfortunately, was newly pregnant at the time. If I'd made it to that concert, I'd have probably spent all my time running back and forth to the lavatory! (I had a rough three months!)

The third missed concert came the year we returned to the states from England. I'd had my second child while in England, and, even though she was three, no family members had ever seen her! So we planned a month-long trip to visit most of my and my husband's relatives. Just after we finalized the dates of our trip, I saw a commercial for the upcoming concert. It was to happen the week before we were scheduled to return home! I couldn't believe it--it was happening again! We lived just blocks away from where the concert was to be held. I would've probably been able to hear it from my front yard, if the wind was blowing right! I remember when that day came, as I was somewhere else...I thought about the concert I was missing and wanted to cry.

Two years later, he came back. I couldn't believe it. I decided there was NO WAY I was going to miss out this time. I asked my husband if he would go with me. He wasn't sure he could get time off work, so he said I better try to find someone else. I didn't want to go alone, but I couldn't find anybody else who wanted to go with me. My husband knew how important this was to me, so he worked it out to have that day off, and agreed to go with me. I was finally going to make it to a Barry concert!

That day, 18 May 1995, finally came. I was more excited than I'd ever been my whole life. (Sorry, John!) The concert was at the Desert Sky Pavillion in Phoenix, Arizona. We didn't get seats as close as I'd liked--by the time I knew for sure I'd be going, these were the closest seats I could get. I was in Row EE, Seat 16. But I was there! I bought the t-shirt, the mug, the keychain, and the souvenir book.

Then, finally, came time for the concert to begin. The music began, the curtains swept away to reveal...more curtains. These were see-through, and I could see Barry standing behind that curtain. I thought, "Oh my God. It's taken 20 years, but I'm finally going to see him! Then...I started crying! No, I started bawling! I couldn't believe it...I had finally made it, and I wasn't going to be able to see a thing through my tears! I then started laughing, too! I was crying and laughing at the same time. I truly believed I was now hysterical! (I don't think I've ever been hysterical before. Agitated, maybe, but not hysterical!) But I managed to compose myself, and sat back to enjoy the show. And it was a wonderful show. My husband even truly agreed that it was good. This, from a non-Barry fan!

Now if I can only make it to my second concert!


The Music

One of the reasons I stated above why I like Barry's music is his versatility. His songs reach out and grab me. I remember most of the words with ease. If I can't remember the words, the tune will stay with me.

Over the years, I have collected 20 of Barry's albums. There are many more, but I'm working on it! There are many, many songs I consider my favorites, but here is a list of a few:


Following are links to some good Barry Manilow sites that I have found on the internet. Check them out!


May Yam's ManiWeb

Arista Records: Barry Manilow

ManiNut Music Mania



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