Theme from Star Trek Voyager


Tribute to my Brother



memorial button courtesy of angells

Ricky died on June 6, 1997, two days after his 18th birthday. He committed suicide. We have all been over and over every little detail we can remember--did he leave hints? Did we just not see how much pain he was in? Was there something we could've done to help him realize he didn't have to end his life? We will never know the answer to these questions. It's one of the reasons it is so difficult to be a suicide survivor. All we can do now is try to continue to survive. I am so grateful for my husband and my daughters, who give me the strength I need to find the desire to go on.

I hope Ricky knew I loved him.

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Read My Thoughts...

I'm including a link to Ricky's website that he created here in GeoCities. I may be biased, but I think his web page is terrific. The page was a class requirement for which he won awards at school. His page has a Star Trek theme, but even if you're not into Star Trek, I think you'll be impressed.


We have discovered a 2nd site that Ricky made. This site was in the process of being worked on, so there isn't much there. I wanted to make it available for people to see, however.

Ricky's Web Site II: Computers and Video Games

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