Leaf Lady
Night Lady
Moon Lady
Lyrant Leng
Doon Yu
Hui Zook
Guy Foon

The Villains:
Iya Doon
Denialler Deng
Evil Sisters: (Purple and Pearl)

Misc. Characters:
Kryal Teen
Birdie Deng
Spirit White
Ganik Yueng
Tinia Teng
Toi Hong


Lyrant Leng

Name: Leng Wu Tong (a.k.a. Lyrant)

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Identity: A warrior

Power Level: Above average

Relatives: none

Colour of clothing: brown

Likes: Drinking Wine and challenges

Personality: easy-going, unnecessarily over-protective

    Leng Wu Tong is a fighter that sees exploring as an adventure, travelling all around places to meet stronger people. He plays quite a bit of an important role in the story. The three sisters meet him drinking wine, where Leaf lady challenges him. They became good friends with him and he decided to guide them through their journey. He is like a brother to them, and is sometimes overly protective; doing things he considers 'right'.

    Leng Wu Tong seems to be a carefree type of person with no enemies or family, but honors his journey and adventures in meeting new friends.

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