Leaf Lady
Night Lady
Moon Lady
Lyrant Leng
Doon Yu
Hui Zook
Guy Foon

The Villains:
Iya Doon
Denialler Deng
Evil Sisters: (Purple and Pearl)

Misc. Characters:
Kryal Teen
Birdie Deng
Spirit White
Ganik Yueng
Tinia Teng
Toi Hong



Name: Nine

Gender: female

Age: 17

Special Weapon: White ribbons

Attack power: Above average

    -Evil Girl 'Yill Loi'
    -Abandoned daughter of Infestist
    -White Ice

Relatives: Her father (Infestist)- and his other daughters (however, she doesn't consider any of them to be actually related to her)
Colour of clothing: white, with some light green
Personality: cold, not easily trust people

Nine is the other daughter of Infestist, but unlike the other daughters, she hates him and seeing him disgusts her. Because of what Infestist did to her mother in the past, she doesn�t want anything to do with him. Although she doesn�t like him, she isn�t very nice either. As a result of her being neglected, she grew to have a bad heart and steals other skills to learn. Her originally attacks using white ribbons to tie up or whip people.

She deliberately dresses in white to oppose the dark girls (the group that follow Iya's orders), and likes to do things her own way. As she is lonely, she considers herself to be the only one she could trust. No one actually cared about her, so soon she grew to have a cold heart. She's a very independant person.

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