Leaf Lady
Night Lady
Moon Lady
Lyrant Leng
Doon Yu
Hui Zook
Guy Foon

The Villains:
Iya Doon
Denialler Deng
Evil Sisters: (Purple and Pearl)

Misc. Characters:
Kryal Teen
Birdie Deng
Spirit White
Ganik Yueng
Tinia Teng
Toi Hong


Moon Lady

"The gentle wind is crying...
Release your innocent soul
The beauty within you is calling..."

Name: Fong Yoot Yi (a.k.a Moon Lady)

Name meaning: The Moon Child

Gender: Female

Age: 16

The Keeper of the Spirit Girl Fan;
Apprentice of Spirt White;
The Wind Goddess

Special Weapon:
Spirit Girl Fan [/Umbrella]

Special Ability: Able to use her power to heal others injuries

Power Level: Strong

Talent: Art, painting and hand crafts

Relatives: Two sisters; Leaf lady and Night Lady

Personality: Open and caring

Colour of clothing: Baby pink, white

 Moon Lady is the youngest out of the three. She�s caring, gentle, and spends a lot of effort into her paintings. As they go on their journey, they encounter many different places, Moon Lady usually paints them down as a token of memory. She is a cute, cheeky girl who loves to find out more about life. With no doubts about the consequences- she takes risks.

 Despite the fact that she's cute, when it comes to battles, losing is never on her mind. She can get pretty tough, especially when she's angry. Her specialty is using her Spirit-Girl Fan against her target. People usually fail to see that she is actually very strong, because she doesn�t seem to hold any threatening weapons. Her fan can also turn into a magical umbrella. This umbrella is mainly used as a shield.

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