Leaf Lady
Night Lady
Moon Lady
Lyrant Leng
Doon Yu
Hui Zook
Guy Foon

The Villains:
Iya Doon
Denialler Deng
Evil Sisters: (Purple and Pearl)

Misc. Characters:
Kryal Teen
Birdie Deng
Spirit White
Ganik Yueng
Tinia Teng
Toi Hong


Leaf Lady

'Come...come to me...
  Feel the wine drawing you near...
 The spirit within craves to roam free...
  To be unleashed once more...'

Name: Fong Yip Yi (aka Leaf Lady)   

Gender: Female

Age: 18

The apprentice of Spirit White,
Owner of the Spirit Wine Whip
Wine Goddess
Ex-apprentice of Golden Snake Master

Power Level: Strong

Special Weapon:
The Spirit Wine Whip

Specialty: Ability to channel her energy into others in times when needed

Talent: Playing the Zither, personal song writer

Relatives: Two younger sisters-
   Night Lady
   Moon Lady

Personality: Cautious, lack of trust, sensitive, and sees herself as an equal to those in the ancient art of drinking

      Leaf Lady is the eldest of the three sisters. She is kind and can be tough when it is required physically. However she often keeps things to herself, as she is quite sensitive; which leads her to not trust people easily-such as her first encounter with Hui Zook. Her lack of trust comes from her dark past, when she was the once the former apprentice of the Golden Snake Master, the past which Leaf Lady desperately hopes to forget...the past which no one is aware of...yet...

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