Leaf Lady
Night Lady
Moon Lady
Lyrant Leng
Doon Yu
Hui Zook
Guy Foon

The Villains:
Iya Doon
Denialler Deng
Evil Sisters: (Purple and Pearl)

Misc. Characters:
Kryal Teen
Birdie Deng
Spirit White
Ganik Yueng
Tinia Teng
Toi Hong


Night Lady

"Free the spirit...
..the Dragon that soars through the night sky...
..the Warrior that conquers all..
    ..behold the strength within..."

Name: Fong Leng Yi (a.k.a. Night Lady)

Name meaning: Clever Child

Gender: female

Age: 17

    The keeper of the 'Spirit Dragon Sword'
The apprentice of 'Spirit White'
     The Sword Goddess

Special Weapon: The Spirit Dragon Sword

Special Ability: Cure poison; able to draw in poison into her own body and destroy it

Power Level: Strong

Talent: Art of Poetry and Calligraphy, Writing/literature

Relatives: Two sisters-
    Leaf Lady
    Moon Lady

Personality: Sympathic and soft-hearted

Night Lady is the second child of the three. She is clever and talented, with an interest in poetry. Because of her loving nature, she seems to gain others� trust easier. Night Lady appears to understand others� feelings, knowing when to use the right words. Night Lady has a soft-heart and would prefer not to fight if she had the choice, however, she cannot change her fate�

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