Frontier Human

Positives/Negatives: Frontier humans are nomads and boast great speed and hunting abilities. However they are not as industrious as their Cosmopolitan brothers, but only because they choose not to be. Appearance: Frontier humans have deeply tanned, almost reddish skin color, brown eyes, and brown or black hair, typically long flowing.

Living Habitat: Frontier Humans typically live on the open plains migrating from one temporary settlement to another.

Food & Sleeping Requirements
: Humans require one meal every three days, though can and usually will eat several times a day. They need to sleep at least 6 hours (1 1/2 cycle) every night or suffer from fatigue (-5 from endurance per missed cycle).

Racial Skills:

Dash - Movement Modifier Skill - 100% Mastered
Tribal Human

Positives/Negatives: Tribal humans, through living in harsh conditions, have a greater endurance than other humans. They can be however easily angered and hold a grudge for a long time.

Appearance: Tribal Humans have dark toned skin, typically shades of brown, black or brown hair, usually kept short, and brown eyes.

Living Habitat:Tribal humans are usually found settling the harsh deserts and badlands of Mythus

Food & Sleeping Requirements
: Humans require one meal every three days, though can and usually will eat several times a day. They need to sleep at least 6 hours (1 1/2 cycle) every night or suffer from fatigue (-5 from endurance per missed cycle).

Racial Skills: None
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