To start out with, I will say that this will be a while in completing. I didn't pay extraordinary attention to all of the storylines in the previous club, but I still have membership, so I can look it up. First thing's First, I'll recap the story I know best: Mystery and Grentzen.
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Mystery and Grentzen

      Mystery is a young woman who has made her life breaking rules and laws in Capere for the sole reason of being taken to the Grid Iron to compete. One day Grentzen, the secret Capacitator (as in not many people know the truth of his existance), summoned this fearless and vicious woman to aid him, and she went to the Chalcedon to fetch him some hard-to-get ingredient. Mystery respected the Capacitator from the outset, since he was also a gladiator. Grentzen acknowledged both Mystery and her charge, Rianna, and arranged for Rianna to be apprenticed to Doctor Xyster, while Mystery became his bodyguard. Evil forces were at work though, and Grentzen was overthrown by the evil Lord Zodo. Mystery and Grent faced Zodo, but did not defeat him, and Mystery was left to relive her life over and over within her own head. In order to save her, Grent went into Mystery's head and lived the warrior-woman's life by her side as a shadow. At the end of the journey he fought the demon Zodo had set in her freeing Mystery but succumbing himself. The demon took over Grent and revealed that he loved her, but only because she was so like another woman that he loved centuries ago (since Grent was cursed with immortality.) Mystery is now confused and a little flustered and awaits Grent's true awakening to confront him. After they will need to look on to confront Zodo again.

(Please excuse this story since it is in a VERY small nutshell. There are many little details that have been left out for the sake of not being too lengthy, seeing as this took place over a year or more of roleplaying and many small details, some of which are noted in character profiles, had to be overlooked.)
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