Prologue Stench Prices Food and Drink Banks Travelling

Health and Hygiene Safety Host Families Problems

Stuff to Take Ecuador Teaching Spanish Epilogue



10- Problems

If you’re problem is that you need a piss in the street, there is no problem. Seriously, the puddles by Terminal Terrestre are not rain. If you have a more serious problem, tell someone. Rocio, the agent in Riobamba is cool (normally). I remember after a couple of weeks of being here, I was having big time trouble with teaching. I went to Rocio, and she sat me down for an hour or so and helped me out loads. If you are really unhappy with your school placement, again, tell Rocio. Everyone gets homesick, and although it’s easier said than done, try to remember that you’re having a better time here than you would have had in England. It’s best not to telephone home too much, once a week is loads. If you plan on phoning home, you could use the internet phone lines, but they’re a bit shit and it’s hard to have a decent conversation cos of the big echoes and delays. Go to the small Andinatel office near the museum in the centre (the big one is more expensive, and you don’t know how much you’re spending). It’s more expensive, but well worth it, no delay whatsoever. Also, remember to take photos of your family and friends, cos you’re going to miss them loads.


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